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Gene Review

AIR1  -  Air1p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Arginine methyltransferase-interacting RING finger protein 1, Protein AIR1, YIL079C
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High impact information on AIR1

  • Surprisingly, however, RNAs originating from these regions are rapidly degraded by the combined action of the exosome and a new poly(A) polymerase activity that is defined by the Trf4 protein and one of two RNA binding proteins, Air1p or Air2p [1].
  • Bipolar spindles are formed in the absence of AIR-1, but they appear to be disorganized and are nucleated by abnormal-looking centrosomes [2].
  • A highly conserved centrosomal kinase, AIR-1, is required for accurate cell cycle progression and segregation of developmental factors in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos [2].
  • Disruption of AIR-1 protein expression in C. elegans embryos results in severe aneuploidy and embryonic lethality [2].
  • Our data suggests AIR-1 plays a role in P-granule segregation and the association of the germline factor PIE-1 with centrosomes [2].

Biological context of AIR1

  • Although single disruption of either gene gave no effect on the cell growth, cells lacking Air1p and Air2p grew at an extremely slow rate with accumulated poly(A)(+) RNA in the nucleus [3].
  • Thus, Air1p and Air2p may affect mRNA transport by regulating the arginine methylation state of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins [3].
  • In addition to its requirement during mitosis, AIR-1 may regulate microtubule-based developmental processes as well [2].

Regulatory relationships of AIR1

  • Overexpression of Air1p repressed the Hmt1p-dependent growth of cells [3].

Other interactions of AIR1

  • Since homology searches indicate that the YDL175 gene product has significant identity (45%) with Air1p, we designated the gene AIR2 [3].
  • Trf5p co-purified with Mtr4p and Air1p, indicating that it forms a complex, designated TRAMP5, that has functions that partially overlap with the TRAMP complex [4].


  1. Cryptic pol II transcripts are degraded by a nuclear quality control pathway involving a new poly(A) polymerase. Wyers, F., Rougemaille, M., Badis, G., Rousselle, J.C., Dufour, M.E., Boulay, J., Régnault, B., Devaux, F., Namane, A., Séraphin, B., Libri, D., Jacquier, A. Cell (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. A highly conserved centrosomal kinase, AIR-1, is required for accurate cell cycle progression and segregation of developmental factors in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Schumacher, J.M., Ashcroft, N., Donovan, P.J., Golden, A. Development (1998) [Pubmed]
  3. Novel RING finger proteins, Air1p and Air2p, interact with Hmt1p and inhibit the arginine methylation of Npl3p. Inoue, K., Mizuno, T., Wada, K., Hagiwara, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2000) [Pubmed]
  4. Yeast Trf5p is a nuclear poly(A) polymerase. Houseley, J., Tollervey, D. EMBO Rep. (2006) [Pubmed]
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