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Gene Review

MNL1  -  alpha-1,2-mannosidase MNL1

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: ER degradation-enhancing alpha-mannosidase-like protein 1, HTM1, YHR204W
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High impact information on MNL1

  • We report that a key pathway of ER quality control consists of a two-lectin receptor system consisting of Yos9p and Htm1/Mnl1p that recognizes N-linked glycan signals embedded in substrates [1].
  • The enzyme, behaving as a lectin binding polymannose glycans of varied structures, would belong together with its enzymatically inactive homologue Htm1p/Mnl1p/EDEM, to a transport chain responsible for delivering irreparably misfolded glycoproteins to proteasomes [2].
  • Kifunensin and 1-deoxymannojirimycin, being mannose homologues, would behave as inhibitors of the ER mannosidase or/and Htm1p/Mnl1p/EDEM putative lectin properties [2].
  • Here we report a new alpha-mannosidase-like protein, Mnl1p (mannosidase-like protein), in the yeast ER [3].
  • Mnl1p is unlikely to exhibit alpha1,2-mannosidase activity, because it lacks cysteine residues that are essential for alpha1,2-mannosidase [3].

Associations of MNL1 with chemical compounds

  • Also, the disruption of CaMsn4 and Mnl1 had no discernible effect upon the resistance of C. albicans to heat, osmotic, ethanol, nutrient, oxidative, or heavy-metal stress or upon the stress-activated transcriptome in C. albicans [4].

Other interactions of MNL1

  • CaMSN4, but not MNL1, weakly complemented the inability of an S. cerevisiae msn2 msn4 mutant to activate a STRE-lacZ reporter [4].


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