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Gene Review

YOS9  -  Yos9p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: D4222, Protein OS-9 homolog, YDR057W
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Disease relevance of YOS9


High impact information on YOS9

  • When Hrd1p is uncoupled from the Yos9p surveillance complex, degradation can occur independently of the requirement for glycosylation [2].
  • This core complex associates through Hrd3p with Yos9p, a substrate recognition protein in the ER lumen [3].
  • For luminal ERAD substrates, this recognition depends on their folding and glycosylation status as well as on the conserved ER lectin Yos9p [2].
  • We report that a key pathway of ER quality control consists of a two-lectin receptor system consisting of Yos9p and Htm1/Mnl1p that recognizes N-linked glycan signals embedded in substrates [4].
  • Yos9 protein is important for glycoprotein degradation and may act via its MRH domain as a degradation lectin-like protein in the glycoprotein degradation pathway [5].

Associations of YOS9 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of YOS9

  • Correspondingly, Gas1 processing is slowed in cells bearing a deletion in YOS9 [1].
  • YOS9 interacts genetically with genes involved in ER-Golgi transport, particularly SEC34, whose temperature-sensitive mutant is rescued by YOS9 overexpression [1].
  • As Yos9 is not a component of the Emp24 complex, it may act as a novel escort factor for GPI-anchored proteins in ER-Golgi transport in yeast and possibly in mammals [1].


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