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Gene Review

AMS1  -  Ams1p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Alpha-D-mannoside mannohydrolase, Alpha-mannosidase, G1861, YGL156W
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Disease relevance of AMS1


High impact information on AMS1


Biological context of AMS1


Anatomical context of AMS1

  • The cytoplasm to vacuole (Cvt) trafficking pathway in S. cerevisiae is a constitutive biosynthetic pathway required for the transport of two vacuolar enzymes, aminopeptidase I (Ape1p) and alpha-mannosidase (Ams1p), to the vacuole [12].
  • Ape1p and Ams1p bind to their receptor, Atg19p, in the cytosol to form a Cvt complex, which then associates with a membrane structure that envelops the complex before fusing with the vacuolar membrane [12].
  • Yeast alpha-mannosidase, a marker enzyme of vacuolar membranes, was solubilized and purified from commercial bakers' yeast [13].
  • The C-terminal domain lacking the putative transmembrane region was shown to have alpha-mannosidase activity when expressed in COS cells as a secreted Protein A fusion product [14].
  • Radiolabel pulse-chase experiments indicated that all of the cell lines processed and targeted lysosomal alpha-mannosidase normally, indicating the lack of a significant role for Rab7 in the targeting pathway; however, retention of mature lysosomal hydrolases was affected in Rab7 WT and Rab7 T22N cell lines [15].

Associations of AMS1 with chemical compounds

  • The heterogeneity resided in four families of oligosaccharides: (i) Glc3Man9GlcNAc----Man8 GlcNAc trimming intermediates; (ii) alpha-mannosidase degradation products of the principal isomers; (iii) mannan elongation intermediates; (iv) core structures with the alpha 1,2-linked mannose usually removed by the processing alpha-mannosidase [16].
  • High resolution 1H NMR analysis of the Man8GlcNAc formed from Man9GlcNAc in the presence of the alpha-mannosidase of Fraction II showed only a single isomer with the following structure: (see formula; see text) This specific enzyme is most probably involved in processing of oligosaccharide during biosynthesis of mannoproteins [17].
  • Nevertheless, disruption of the alpha-mannosidase encoding gene almost totally prevented degradation of a misfolded glycoprotein [18].
  • It was clearly separated from alpha-glucosidase, which acts onp-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside, but still contained beta-glucosidase and alpha-mannosidase acting on p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside and alpha-D-mannopyranoside, respectively [19].
  • The specific alpha-mannosidase does not require the addition of divalent cation for activity, but it is inhibited by Tris, EDTA, Mn2+, Co2+, Zn2+, and Mg2+ [20].

Other interactions of AMS1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AMS1

  • The rates of H+ exchange with Ca2+, Cd2+, and K+ were similar in both strains, as were alpha-mannosidase and H+-ATPase activities, and SDS/PAGE patterns of vacuolar proteins [25].
  • After 4,300-fold purification by conventional chromatography, the alpha-mannosidase gave a single band on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, but could be fractionated into active isoforms, which consisted of 107-, 73-, and 31-kDa polypeptides, with a Mono Q anion exchange fast protein liquid chromatography system [13].
  • 2. After high-speed zonal centrifugation most of the protein, acid and alkaline phosphatases, alkaline pyrophosphatase, adenosine monophosphatase, beta-fructofuranosidase, alpha-mannosidase, NADPH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase and an appreciable amount of phospholipid and sterol were non-sedimentable, i.e. were at densities below 1.09 (g/cm3) [26].
  • Parts of the yeast recombinant EG IIIs decreased their molecular masses to 25 kDa after treatment with endoglycosidase H and alpha-mannosidase, suggesting that they are N glycosylated at least partly [27].
  • The mannose-labeled oligosaccharide released from oligosaccharide-lipid of MI8-5 cells was analyzed by HPLC and alpha-mannosidase treatment, and the data were consistent with a structure of Man9GlcNAc2 [28].


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