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Gene Review

yjdM  -  zinc-ribbon family protein

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK4101, JW4069, phnA
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Disease relevance of yjdM


High impact information on yjdM

  • A Pho box-like promoter sequence is also found upstream of the gene cluster starting at phnA, which is consistent with the observation of phosphate regulation of the Phn+ response [2].
  • Seventeen open reading frames (phnA to phnQ) were identified in one transcriptional direction and five open reading frames in the divergent direction [2].
  • The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the phnA gene showed no significant homology with any data bank accessions [1].
  • The construction of these plasmids showed that phnA and phnB have no role in Pn metabolism [3].
  • On the basis of nucleotide (nt) sequence analysis, the phn locus contains a 12.6-kb operon of seventeen genes named, in alphabetical order, phnA to phnQ [Chen et al., J. Biol. Chem. 265 (1990) 4461-4471] [3].

Associations of yjdM with chemical compounds


Other interactions of yjdM


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