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Chemical Compound Review

Anthranate     2-aminobenzoic acid

Synonyms: anthranilate, Carboxyaniline, o-Anthranilate, Vitamin L, vitamin L1, ...
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Disease relevance of AMINOBENZOIC ACID

  • Subunit communication in the anthranilate synthase complex from Salmonella typhimurium [1].
  • In the case of some fast-growing species of aphids, the overproduction of tryptophan by Buchnera involves plasmid-amplification of the gene coding for anthranilate synthase, the first enzyme of the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway [2].
  • A fusion polypeptide containing 37 kDa of the Escherichia coli TrpE protein (anthranilate synthase) and 55 kDa of the cloned protein was recognized in immunoblot experiments with antisera raised against a partially purified preparation of the approximately equal to 60-kDa protective filarial antigen [3].
  • Properties of anthranilate synthetase component II from Pseudomonas putida [4].
  • Chemical modifications of Serratia marcescens anthranilate synthase component I [5].

Psychiatry related information on AMINOBENZOIC ACID

  • Comparison with the structure of the unliganded, noncooperative anthranilate synthase heterotetramer from Sulfolobus solfataricus shows that the two homologs have completely different quarternary structures, even though their functional dimer pairs are structurally similar, consistent with differences in the cooperative behavior of the enzymes [6].
  • In a single trial discrimination avoidance learning task, chicks learn to distinguish between beads of two colors, which are dipped in either a strong or weak tasting aversant (methyl anthranilate) to induce strongly-reinforced and weakly-reinforced learning, respectively [7].
  • We examined how molecular structure of 24 anthranilate and benzoic acid derivatives correlated with drinking behavior in European starlings Sturnus vulgaris [8].

High impact information on AMINOBENZOIC ACID

  • The fusion comprised the prepro region of prepro-alpha-factor (MF alpha 1) N-terminal to phosphoribosyl anthranilate isomerase (TRP1) [9].
  • The plants expressing antisense RNA also showed two phenotypes consistent with a block early in the pathway: blue fluorescence under UV light and resistance to the anthranilate analog 6-methylanthranilate [10].
  • The same effect was achieved by removing the competing enzyme anthranilate synthase, which is encoded by the TRP2 gene, from the transcriptional control [11].
  • Therefore, the evolution of the sophisticated allosteric regulation of yeast chorismate mutase requires as prerequisite (i) that the encoding ARO7 gene is not transcriptionally regulated, whereas (ii) the transcription of the competing feedback-regulated anthranilate synthase-encoding gene is controlled by availability of amino acids [11].
  • Here we report that ADIC is formed by a reversible, Mg(2+)-dependent ADIC synthase activity of anthranilate synthase that can be functionally uncoupled from a Mg(2+)-dependent ADIC lyase activity of the enzyme by single amino acid substitutions in the TrpE subunit of the anthranilate synthase complex of S. typhimurium [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of AMINOBENZOIC ACID


Biological context of AMINOBENZOIC ACID


Anatomical context of AMINOBENZOIC ACID


Associations of AMINOBENZOIC ACID with other chemical compounds




Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AMINOBENZOIC ACID


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