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MeSH Review

Insurance Claim Review

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  • IPS brought many changes for home health providers, including intensified claims review and audits, resulting in overpayments [8].


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  5. Reimbursement claims analysis of outcomes with carvedilol and metoprolol. Luzier, A.B., Antell, L.A., Chang, L.L., Xuan, J., Roth, D.A. The Annals of pharmacotherapy. (2002) [Pubmed]
  6. Adherence to combined Lamivudine + Zidovudine versus individual components: a community-based retrospective medicaid claims analysis. Legorreta, A., Yu, A., Chernicoff, H., Gilmore, A., Jordan, J., Rosenzweig, J.C. AIDS care. (2005) [Pubmed]
  7. Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield--the new image maker. Morchower, D.L. Chief information officer journal. (1989) [Pubmed]
  8. Overpayment guidance for home health agencies. Murray, J.E., Dombi, W.A. Caring : National Association for Home Care magazine. (1999) [Pubmed]
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