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IPS  -  ichthyosis prematurity syndrome

Homo sapiens

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Disease relevance of IPS

  • 1. In the fourth patient with high jugular sampling (IPS/P ratio, 0.95), a central adenoma was identified surgically, and the patient was cured after TSS [1].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Scintigraphy with intravenous human albumin macroaggregates is more accurate than measuring arterial blood gases to detect IPS in children with cirrhosis [2].
  • CONCLUSIONS: IPS-cytology can detect intraperitoneal persistent disease in patients with unmeasurable residual ovarian cancer [3].
  • We report 2 eyes of 2 patients who developed persistent inflammation, hypotony, and total retinal detachment after secondary implantation of an iris prosthetic system (IPS) in association with cataract surgery [4].
  • BACKGROUND: Assessment of post-synaptic D2 receptors with 123I-IBZM SPECT is helpful in distinguishing idiopathic (IPS) from other parkinsonian syndromes (non-IPS) [5].

Psychiatry related information on IPS

  • Anticholinergics are only used in the early stages of tremor-dominant IPS because we fear enhancing the risk of dementia [6].
  • (Total preparation for one particular event, partial preparation in favor of one event, and absence of biased preparation.) The defending player is viewed as in information processing system (IPS) placed in a problem-solving situation, the problem being what decision to reach [7].

High impact information on IPS

  • First, blockade of antidromic invasion of mitral cell dendrites caused a large decrease in the size of the inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) recorded in mitral cells, indicating that the IPSP results in large part from activity in the dendrites of mitral cells [8].
  • Our results suggest that there are two motion-processing systems in the human brain: a contralateral lower-level luminance-based system, extending from hMT/V5+ into dorsal IPS and STS, and a bilateral higher-level saliency-based system in IPL [9].
  • Suppression of the IPSP resulted from presynaptic inhibition of the release of norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves [10].
  • If fecal lactoferrin levels are low (<7 microg/mL), IPS can be diagnosed [11].
  • Furthermore, NH4+ depolarizes neurons to a variable degree, without consistently changing membrane resistance, probably by reducing [K+]i. A decrease in EK+ may also be responsible for decreasing the effectiveness of the outward chloride pump, thus explaining the well known inhibitory effect of NH4+ on the hyperpolarizing IPSP [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of IPS

  • 4. Elimination of type I IPSPs by reversible or irreversible blockage of conduction from the A3 ganglion results in a firing rate increase of approximately 50% in A1 serotonin-containing neurons; IPSP recovery results in a firing rate decrease of corresponding magnitude [13].
  • N-ethylmaleimide, a blocker of pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive G protein (G(i/o)), attenuated the DA-induced depression of the fast IPSP [14].
  • The results are consistent with the proposal that the slow IPSP in this ganglion is mediated by a direct action of acetylcholine released from cholinergic preganglionic fibers [15].
  • Effects of hyperammonemia on neuronal function: NH4+, IPSP and Cl(-)-extrusion [16].

Biological context of IPS

  • Assignment of the locus for ichthyosis prematurity syndrome to chromosome 9q33.3-34.13 [17].
  • A prospective evaluation of 111In-labeled platelet scintigraphy (IPS) for the early diagnosis of acute postoperative renal transplant rejection (TR) was undertaken [18].
  • The following main results were obtained with IPS or RES relative to the control (no IPS, no RES): (1) with VD, IPS led to small, but significant, increases in tidal volume (VT), respiratory frequency (fR) and ventilation (VE), with no changes in inspiratory time (TI) or duty cycle (TI/TT) [19].
  • On the basis of the average length of the haplotype in IPS patients, we calculated the age of a founder mutation to approximately 1,900 years [20].
  • IPS is rare and almost exclusively present in a restricted region in the middle of Norway and Sweden, which indicates a founder effect for the disorder [20].

Anatomical context of IPS

  • The authors concluded that IPS Empress 2 can be used to fabricate 3-unit bridges up to the second premolar [21].
  • CONCLUSION: After four years, extensive IPS Empress inlays and onlays bonded with the dentin bonding system Syntac Classic were found to have a 7% failure rate with 79% of the remaining restorations having marginal deficiencies [22].
  • Following removal of nonadherent cells, monocytes were further incubated in a serum-free media for 18 hours in the presence or absence of lipopolysaccharide (IPS) [23].
  • The present prospective controlled clinical study evaluated the clinical performance of IPS Empress inlays and onlays with cuspal replacements and proximal margins below the cementoenamel junction over eight years [24].
  • CONCLUSION: All-ceramic PCRs for molars made of IPS e.max Press were shown to be fracture-resistant, results comparable with those of natural unprepared teeth [25].

Associations of IPS with chemical compounds

  • However, among the carbohydrates, sucrose is considered the most cariogenic, because, in addition to being fermented by oral bacteria, it is a substrate for the synthesis of extracellular (EPS) and intracellular (IPS) polysaccharides [26].
  • Sucralose had no effect on IPS production [27].
  • The flexural strength of the pressed glass-ceramic (core material) was improved by a factor of more than three for IPS Empress 2 (lithium disilicate glass-ceramic) in comparison with IPS Empress (leucite glass-ceramic) [21].
  • Thus, this study underlines our therapy concept which advocates the early use of dopamine agonists in IPS [28].
  • While no single sampling site was perfect in diagnostic accuracy, sampling both CS and IPS achieved a combined diagnostic accuracy of 100% [29].

Regulatory relationships of IPS

  • Whereas IPS patients usually show a normal or upregulated postsynaptic dopamine D2 receptor profile, APS patients present decreased postsynaptic tracer binding [30].

Other interactions of IPS

  • The central to peripheral ACTH (IPS/P) ratios were more than 2 (2.5-157.2) in 10 of 11 patients, confirming central ACTH secretion [1].
  • In the patients of Group 2 ACTH and beta-ELI levels were higher in the IPS's than in the peripheral blood (p < 0.001) and, in the 9 patients with GH- or PRL-secreting adenomas, they were higher in the IPS ipsilateral than in the contralateral to the adenoma and in the periphery (p < 0.05) [31].
  • The former is activated by IPS and most cytokines, is associated with upregulation of NF-kappa B and inhibited by DETC, and elicits an inflammatory response [32].
  • We found no differences in TRUS-volume, Q-max, IPS score, or PVR [33].
  • 2. There was no statistically significant difference among the flexure strength of Cerec Mark II, Dicor, IPS Empress, Vitadur Alpha Dentin, and Vita VMK 68 ceramics (p>0.05) [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of IPS

  • Furthermore, decade distance predicted an increase in the fMRI signal from cortex around the left IPS, right anterior and right posterior IPS [35].
  • Bilateral IPS catheterization was technically feasible in 32 patients and provided evidence of lateralization in 31 patients [36].
  • Furthermore, postoperative IPS was a good predictor of long-term allograft survival [18].
  • INTERVENTIONS: The IPS standard requires that intensive care units have a dedicated intensivist present during daytime hours [37].
  • In 9 of 12 photosensitive patients (75%) a clear suppression (3 patients) or abolishment (6 patients) of IPS evoked photoparoxysmal EEG responses was found [38].


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