MeSH Review:
- Evolution of flightless land birds on southern continents: transferrin comparison shows monophyletic origin of ratites. Prager, E.M., Wilson, A.C., Osuga, D.T., Feeney, R.E. J. Mol. Evol. (1976)
- Distribution of telomeric (TTAGGG)(n) sequences in avian chromosomes. Nanda, I., Schrama, D., Feichtinger, W., Haaf, T., Schartl, M., Schmid, M. Chromosoma (2002)
- Alcohol dehydrogenase of class I: kiwi liver enzyme, parallel evolution in separate vertebrate lines, and correlation with 12S rRNA patterns. Hjelmqvist, L., Metsis, M., Persson, H., Höög, J.O., McLennan, J., Jörnvall, H. FEBS Lett. (1995)
- Diversity of vertebrate class I alcohol dehydrogenase. Mammalian and non-mammalian enzyme functions correlated through the structure of a ratite enzyme. Estonius, M., Hjelmqvist, L., Jörnvall, H. Eur. J. Biochem. (1994)
- Immunochemical detection and characterisation of osteocalcin from moa bone. Huq, N.L., Rambaud, S.M., Teh, L.C., Davies, A.D., McCulloch, B., Trotter, M.M., Chapman, G.E. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1985)
- Use of xylazine, butorphanol, tiletamine-zolazepam, and isoflurane for induction and maintenance of anesthesia in ratites. Lin, H.C., Todhunter, P.G., Powe, T.A., Ruffin, D.C. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. (1997)
- DMRT1 in a ratite bird: evidence for a role in sex determination and discovery of a putative regulatory element. Shetty, S., Kirby, P., Zarkower, D., Graves, J.A. Cytogenet. Genome Res. (2002)
- Identification of the major proteins of the organic matrix of emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) and rhea (Rhea americana) eggshell calcified layer. Mann, K. Br. Poult. Sci. (2004)
- Is a large-scale DNA-based inventory of ancient life possible? Lambert, D.M., Baker, A., Huynen, L., Haddrath, O., Hebert, P.D., Millar, C.D. J. Hered. (2005)
- Partial amino acid sequence of osteocalcin from an extinct species of ratite bird. Huq, N.L., Tseng, A., Chapman, G.E. Biochem. Int. (1990)