MeSH Review:
Hematoma, Epidural, Spinal
- Conservative management of spinal epidural hematoma in hemophilia. Narawong, D., Gibbons, V.P., McLaughlin, J.R., Bouhasin, J.D., Kotagal, S. Pediatric neurology. (1988)
- Paraplegia subsequent to administration of tissue plasminogen activator and intravenous heparin following myocardial infarction--a case report. DePorto, R., Ahn, J.H., Gianutsos, J.G. The journal of spinal cord medicine. (2000)
- Spinal epidural hematoma complicating active systemic lupus erythematosus. Goker, B., Block, J.A. Arthritis Rheum. (1999)
- Spinal epidural hematoma associated with warfarin therapy. Lederle, F.A., Cundy, K.V., Farinha, P., McCormick, D.P. Am. J. Med. (1996)
- Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma. Another neurologic complication of cocaine? Samkoff, L.M., Daras, M., Kleiman, A.R., Koppel, B.S. Arch. Neurol. (1996)
- Spinal epidural hematoma due to heparin. Bamford, C.R. Arch. Neurol. (1978)
- Spontaneous resolution of a large spinal epidural hematoma: case report. Wagner, S., Forsting, M., Hacke, W. Neurosurgery (1996)
- Gadolinium enhancement in the center of a spinal epidural hematoma in a hemophiliac. Caldemeyer, K.S., Mocharla, R., Moran, C.C., Smith, R.R. Journal of computer assisted tomography. (1993)
- Spontaneous cervical epidural hematoma associated with oral anticoagulant therapy. Vayá, A., Resurección, M., Ricart, J.M., Ortuño, C., Ripoll, F., Mira, Y., Aznar, J. Clin. Appl. Thromb. Hemost. (2001)
- Recovery after high-dose methylprednisolone and delayed evacuation: a case of spinal epidural hematoma. Ghaly, R.F. Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology. (2001)
- Spinal epidural hematoma associated with streptokinase treatment for myocardial infarction. Ozgocmen, S., Yoldas, T., Kocakoc, E., Ozkurt-Zengin, F., Ardicoglu, O. Spinal Cord (2004)
- Spinal epidural hematoma causing cord compression after tissue plasminogen activator and heparin therapy. Krolick, M.A., Cintron, G.B. South. Med. J. (1991)
- Spinal epidural hematoma and ankylosing spondylitis: case report and review of the literature. Wu, C.T., Lee, S.T. The Journal of trauma. (1998)
- Spinal epidural hematoma after thrombolysis for deep vein thrombosis with subsequent pulmonary thromboembolism: a case report. Han, Y.M., Kwak, H.S., Jin, G.Y., Chung, G.H., Song, K.J. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. (2006)
- Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma associated with thrombolysis and anticoagulation therapy: report of three cases. Van Schaeybroeck, P., Van Calenbergh, F., Van De Werf, F., Demaerel, P., Goffin, J., Plets, C. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery. (1998)
- Acute spinal epidural hematoma. Joseph, A.P., Vinen, J.D. The Journal of emergency medicine. (1993)
- Spontaneous recovery from a spinal epidural hematoma with atypical presentation in a nonagenarian. Schwarz, S.K., Wong, C.L., McDonald, W.N. Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthésie. (2004)