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Gene Review

PLG  -  plasminogen

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Plasminogen
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Disease relevance of PLG

  • The incidence of these hereditary disorders in our 204 patients (106 males and 98 females) with venous thromboembolism were 4% (three cases deficient in PC, three in PS, two in PLG, and one patient in AT III) [1].
  • The early activation of plasmin by endotoxin may prevent thrombosis, and the increase in fibrinolysis is then offset by the release of plasminogen activator inhibitor [2].
  • Intravenous tissue-type plasminogen activator for treatment of acute stroke: the Standard Treatment with Alteplase to Reverse Stroke (STARS) study [3].
  • Thus, it appears that there is an imbalance between plasminogen activators and their inhibitors in colonic neoplasia in favor of u-PA, which may contribute to plasmin-mediated growth, invasiveness, and metastasis [4].
  • Purkinje neuron degeneration in nervous (nr) mutant mice is mediated by a metabolic pathway involving excess tissue plasminogen activator [5].

Psychiatry related information on PLG


High impact information on PLG


Chemical compound and disease context of PLG


Biological context of PLG


Anatomical context of PLG


Associations of PLG with chemical compounds

  • Binding of PLG was 70-80% inhibited by 10 mM epsilon-aminocaproic acid, suggesting that it is largely mediated by the lysine-binding sites of PLG [19].
  • Of the ligands of HPRG tested, mesoheme (20 microM) but not heparin (M(r) 10,000, 10 microM) inhibits the formation of the HPRG-PLG complex [26].
  • Urokinase didn't bind to Ann-II, demonstrating the role of receptor-related lysine residues on activation of PLG, showing that the Ann-II-PLG interaction was dependent upon carboxyl-terminal lysine residues [20].
  • This was followed by a marked increase in clot-bound plasminogen having glutamic acid as NH2-terminal (glu-plasminogen) and gluplasmin. t-PA-induced enhancement of glu-plasminogen uptake appears to be mediated by plasmin but does not require the conversion of glu-plasminogen to plasminogen having lysine or methionine as NH2-terminal [27].
  • The accumulation of plasminogen was faster and greater on noncrosslinked plasma clots than on clots which had been crosslinked by Factor XIIIa [27].

Physical interactions of PLG


Enzymatic interactions of PLG

  • Interactions of plasminogen and tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) with amphoterin. Enhancement of t-PA-catalyzed plasminogen activation by amphoterin [33].
  • Because uPA cleaves Plg into plasmin, which activates matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), the end result was an increase in MMP activity [34].
  • We have previously demonstrated that a synthetic peptide derived from amino acids 2091-2108 of the laminin A chain (designated LamA2091-2108) can significantly enhance t-PA-catalyzed Pg activation [35].
  • Furthermore, human casein enhanced t-PA-catalyzed plasminogen activation, comparable to the enhancing effect obtained with fibrinogen fragments [36].
  • MMP-9 cleaves plasminogen to generate a 42-kDa fragment with the N-terminal sequence PVVLLPNVE, 1 residue upstream of the MMP-7 cleavage site [37].

Co-localisations of PLG

  • S100A10 also colocalizes plasminogen with the uPA-uPAR complex thereby localizing and stimulating uPA-dependent plasmin formation to the surface of cancer cells [38].

Regulatory relationships of PLG

  • Plasminogen bound to the latter site on fibrin was activated by t-PA and therefore is involved in the ternary complex [39].
  • Evidence is provided that in ECM, procoagulant thrombin may promote plasminogen activator activity by inactivating PAI-1 [40].
  • TF enhanced two-chain urokinase (tcuPA) activation of Glu-plasminogen, but not of miniplasminogen, in a dose-dependent, saturable manner (half maximal stimulation at 59 pmol/L) [29].
  • Platelet-derived growth factor D is activated by urokinase plasminogen activator in prostate carcinoma cells [41].
  • Our results suggest that plasminogen is frequently activated in the joints of patients with inflammatory or noninflammatory arthropathy and that this activation mainly occurs via a u-PA-, and in some cases also via a factor XII-, dependent pathway [42].

Other interactions of PLG

  • HRGP covalently cross-linked to Sepharose 4B simultaneously bound both 125I-TSP and 131I-Plg, confirming trimolecular complex formation [28].
  • Complex formation of platelet thrombospondin with plasminogen. Modulation of activation by tissue activator [43].
  • We have studied the distribution of the plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) in cultures of confluent human umbilical vein endothelial cells [44].
  • Protein S is a cofactor for activated protein C neutralization of an inhibitor of plasminogen activation released from platelets [45].
  • The stimulatory effect of TF on plasminogen activation was confirmed when plasmin formation was examined directly on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PLG


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