MeSH Review:
Anastomosis, Surgical
- Recanalization of obstructed fallopian tube by selective salpingography and transvaginal bougie dilatation: outcome and cost analysis. Lang, E.K., Dunaway, H.H. Fertil. Steril. (1996)
- Massive lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage from the surgical anastomosis in patients with multiorgan trauma: treatment by subselective embolization with polyvinyl alcohol particles. Bulakbaşi, N., Kurtaran, K., Ustünsöz, B., Somuncu, I. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. (1999)
- Pharmacokinetics and tissue penetration of single-dose cefotetan used for antimicrobial prophylaxis in patients undergoing colorectal surgery. Martin, C., Portet, C., Lambert, D., Bruguerolle, B., Sastre, B., De Micco, P., Gouin, F. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1992)
- Pharmacokinetics and tissue penetration of a single 1,000-milligram, intravenous dose of metronidazole for antibiotic prophylaxis of colorectal surgery. Martin, C., Sastre, B., Mallet, M.N., Bruguerolle, B., Brun, J.P., De Micco, P., Gouin, F. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1991)
- Expression of the serotonin 1b receptor in experimental pulmonary hypertension. Rondelet, B., Van Beneden, R., Kerbaul, F., Motte, S., Fesler, P., McEntee, K., Brimioulle, S., Ketelslegers, J.M., Naeije, R. Eur. Respir. J. (2003)
- Induction of cardiac hypertrophy by a controlled reproducible sutureless aortocaval shunt in the mouse. Karram, T., Hoffman, A., Bishara, B., Brodsky, S., Golomb, E., Winaver, J., Abassi, Z. Journal of investigative surgery : the official journal of the Academy of Surgical Research. (2005)
- Effect of LVAD outflow conduit insertion angle on flow through the native aorta. May-Newman, K.D., Hillen, B.K., Sironda, C.S., Dembitsky, W. Journal of medical engineering & technology. (2004)
- Plasma amino acids imbalance in patients with liver disease. Cascino, A., Cangiano, C., Calcaterra, V., Rossi-Fanelli, F., Capocaccia, L. The American journal of digestive diseases. (1978)