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Disease relevance of Salpingitis


High impact information on Salpingitis


Chemical compound and disease context of Salpingitis


Biological context of Salpingitis

  • The underlying tubal disease (chronic salpingitis, follicular salpingitis, or salpingitis isthmica nodosa) seems to be the major factor identified that is associated with, and probably the cause for, the recurrent tubal gestation [15].
  • However, in two other study patients chronic salpingitis with phagocytosis of cilia by luminal macrophages was demonstrated [16].
  • Among the 19 women who were able to conceive only via a recanalized salpingitis isthmica nodosa tube, there were 6 live births (32%) and two tubal pregnancies (10%) [17].
  • The ideal point would be to detect some biologic or clinical change that may lead to diagnosis such as a positive anti-Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) serology or, in the future, positive anti-CT Hsp 60 antibody could be the key to detecting and treating silent salpingitis in young women, CT being the main microorganism involved in chronic salpingitis [18].

Anatomical context of Salpingitis


Gene context of Salpingitis

  • Humoral immune response to the chlamydial heat shock proteins hsp60 and hsp70 in Chlamydia-associated chronic salpingitis with tubal occlusion [24].
  • No correlation between neutralizing sera and the risk of postabortal salpingitis was detected [25].
  • All 16 patients with endosalpingiosis had inflammatory tubal disease (e.g., chronic salpingitis, hydrosalpinx, tubal pregnancy) [26].
  • Women positive for both C. trachomatis and hsp60 epitope antibodies had an increased prevalence over controls of salpingitis, pelvic adhesions or history of PID (P < 0.05) [27].
  • CONCLUSION(S): The presence of the major outer-membrane protein of C. trachomatis is associated with chronic salpingitis and/or salpingitis isthmica nodosa with tubal occlusion [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Salpingitis


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