MeSH Review:
Subclavian Artery
- Previously treated, locally recurrent breast cancer: treatment with superselective intraarterial chemotherapy. Görich, J., Hasan, I., Majdali, R., Sittek, H., Kunze, V., Doma, A., Reiser, M., Brambs, H.J. Radiology. (1995)
- Large vessel aneurysms in Wegener's granulomatosis. Shitrit, D., Shitrit, A.B., Starobin, D., Izbicki, G., Belenky, A., Kaufman, N., Kramer, M.R. J. Vasc. Surg. (2002)
- Histopathologic consequences of hyperglycemic cerebral ischemia during hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass in pigs. Conroy, B.P., Grafe, M.R., Jenkins, L.W., Vela, A.H., Lin, C.Y., DeWitt, D.S., Johnston, W.E. Ann. Thorac. Surg. (2001)
- Ultrasonography in the quantification of arterial involvement in Takayasu's arteritis. Raninen, R.O., Kupari, M.M., Pamilo, M.S., Taavitsainen, M.J., Poutanen, V.P., Pajari, R.I., Leirisalo-Repo, M., Hekali, P.E. Scand. J. Rheumatol. (2000)
- Arm ischemia secondary to giant cell arteritis. Halpin, D.P., Moran, K.T., Jewell, E.R. Annals of vascular surgery. (1988)
- Ablation of specific expression domains reveals discrete functions of ectoderm- and endoderm-derived FGF8 during cardiovascular and pharyngeal development. Macatee, T.L., Hammond, B.P., Arenkiel, B.R., Francis, L., Frank, D.U., Moon, A.M. Development (2003)
- Techniques to enhance extramyocardial collateral blood flow after a cardiomyoplasty. Mannion, J.D., Magno, M., Buckman, P., Bailey, W., Blood, V., Heiman-Patterson, T., Edie, R.N., Rosato, F.E. Ann. Surg. (1993)
- Management of angioplasty complications, unsuccessful procedures and early and late failures. Samson, R.H., Sprayregen, S., Veith, F.J., Scher, L.A., Gupta, S.K., Ascer, E. Ann. Surg. (1984)
- PDGF-induced signaling in proliferating and differentiated vascular smooth muscle: effects of altered intracellular Ca2+ regulation. Egan, C.G., Wainwright, C.L., Wadsworth, R.M., Nixon, G.F. Cardiovasc. Res. (2005)
- The effects of L-arginine on neointimal formation and vascular function following balloon injury in heritable hyperlipidaemic rabbits. Greenlees, C., Wadsworth, R.M., Martorana, P.A., Wainwright, C.L. Cardiovasc. Res. (1997)
- Response to determining functional significance of subclavian artery stenosis using exercise thallium-201 stress imaging. Powell, S. South. Med. J. (2005)
- Troxidone (trimethadione) embryopathy: case report with reveiw of the literature. Rischbieth, R.H. Clinical and experimental neurology. (1979)
- Possible involvement of calcium-calmodulin pathways in the positive chronotropic response to angiotensin II on the canine cardiac sympathetic ganglia. Tokunaga, R., Kushiku, K., Yamada, K., Yamada, H., Furukawa, T. Jpn. J. Pharmacol. (2001)
- Cardiac anomalies in Turner Syndrome. Angeli, E., Pacini, D., Napoli, G., Di Bartolomeo, R., Fattori, R., Pierangeli, A. Asian cardiovascular & thoracic annals. (2003)
- Possible inhibitory role of endogenous gamma-aminobutyric acid in the nonnicotinic functions of the dog cardiac sympathetic ganglia. Kushiku, K., Furukawa, T. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (1985)
- Isolated right subclavian artery, interrupted aortic arch, and ventricular septal defect. Mulay, A.V., Watterson, K.G. Ann. Thorac. Surg. (1997)
- A rapid, quantitative method for measuring leukocyte adhesion to normal and balloon-injured arteries in vitro. Kennedy, S., Wadsworth, R.M., McPhaden, A.R., Wainwright, C.L. J. Immunol. Methods (2000)
- Disruption of the Hoxa3 homeobox gene results in anomalies of the carotid artery system and the arterial baroreceptors. Kameda, Y., Watari-Goshima, N., Nishimaki, T., Chisaka, O. Cell Tissue Res. (2003)
- Total-body 3D magnetic resonance angiography influences the management of patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Goyen, M., Herborn, C.U., Kröger, K., Ruehm, S.G., Debatin, J.F. European radiology. (2006)
- Abdominal vascular responses to changes in carbon dioxide tension in the cephalic circulation of anaesthetized dogs. Ford, R., Hainsworth, R., Rankin, A.J., Soladoye, A.O. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (1985)
- Effect of cephalic carbon dioxide tension on the cardiac inotropic response to carotid chemoreceptor stimulation in dogs. Hainsworth, R., Rankin, A.J., Soladoye, A.O. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (1985)
- Induction of remission in a patient with Takayasu's arteritis by low dose pulses of methotrexate. Mevorach, D., Leibowitz, G., Brezis, M., Raz, E. Ann. Rheum. Dis. (1992)
- Central venous cannulation in patients with liver disease and coagulopathy--a prospective audit. Fisher, N.C., Mutimer, D.J. Intensive care medicine. (1999)
- Vascular consequences of subclavian artery transection for the treatment of congenital heart disease. Lodge, F.A., Lamberti, J.J., Goodman, A.H., Kirkpatrick, S.E., George, L., Mathewson, J.W., Waldman, J.D. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. (1983)
- Aberrant right subclavian artery with left aortic arch: associated cardiac anomalies. Zapata, H., Edwards, J.E., Titus, J.L. Pediatric cardiology. (1993)
- Aberrant right subclavian artery as a new cardiac sign in second- and third-trimester fetuses with Down syndrome. Chaoui, R., Heling, K.S., Sarioglu, N., Schwabe, M., Dankof, A., Bollmann, R. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (2005)
- Intraoperative subclavian artery stenting to salvage a LIMA graft. Vranic, M., Vaughn, P.L., Lobato, A.C., Rodriguez-Lopez, J., Diethrich, E.B. Ann. Thorac. Surg. (1999)
- Treatment of thoracoabdominal aneurysm with self-expandable aortic stent grafts. Palma, J.H., Miranda, F., Gasques, A.R., Alves, C.M., de Souza, J.A., Buffolo, E. Ann. Thorac. Surg. (2002)
- Vascular profile of patients with multivessel coronary artery disease. Rigatelli, G., Rigatelli, G. International journal of cardiology. (2006)
- Evaluation of Blalock-Taussig shunts in newborns: value of oblique MRI planes. Kastler, B., Livolsi, A., Germain, P., Zöllner, G., Dietemann, J.L. International journal of cardiac imaging. (1991)
- Percutaneous implantation of a Port-Catheter System using the left subclavian artery. Chen, Y., He, X., Chen, W., Lu, W., Mei, Q., Zeng, Q., Li, Y. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. (2000)
- Huge left coronary artery aneurysm associated with multiple arterial aneurysms. Hinterauer, L., Roelli, H., Goebel, N., Steinbrunn, W., Senning, A. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. (1985)
- Importance of extrasegmental vessels for spinal cord blood supply in a chronic porcine model. Strauch, J.T., Spielvogel, D., Lauten, A., Zhang, N., Shiang, H., Weisz, D., Bodian, C.A., Griepp, R.B. Revista portuguesa de cirurgia cardio-torácica e vascular : órgão oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardio-Torácica e Vascular. (2003)