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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Long-term culture of glutamine synthetase-transfected HepG2 cells in circulatory flow bioreactor for development of a bioartificial liver.

Glutamine synthetase ( GS) is involved in an accessory pathway of ammonia removal in mammals. To develop a bioartificial liver with a human cell line, GS gene was transfected into HepG2 cells, which had no ammonia removal activity. After culturing in the presence of methionine sulfoximine (MSX), a GS inhibitor, we obtained a MSX-resistant HepG2 subline (GS-HepG2), which had amplified GS gene; ammonia removal activity was estimated to be 1/7 of that of rat primary culture hepatocytes. The cells were cultured in a circulatory flow bioreactor for 109 days, while they multiplied from 5 x 10(7) to 4 x 10(9) cells. Three days after inoculation, the ammonia level of the culture medium was lowered to a level maintained thereafter, suggesting that using recombinant cell lines for bioartificial livers enables long-term repeated treatment for hepatic failure patient. Judging from the rate of decrease in the amount of the added ammonia, the ammonia removal capability of 4 x 10(9) GS-HepG2 cells was almost equivalent to 5 x 10(8) porcine hepatocytes inoculated into the circulatory flow bioreactor. Apart from their ammonia removal activity, GS-HepG2 cells eliminated human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). Cytokine removal therefore promises to be another useful property of bioreactor cells.[1]


  1. Long-term culture of glutamine synthetase-transfected HepG2 cells in circulatory flow bioreactor for development of a bioartificial liver. Enosawa, S., Miyashita, T., Suzuki, S., Li, X.K., Tsunoda, M., Amemiya, H., Yamanaka, M., Hiramatsu, S., Tanimura, N., Omasa, T., Suga, K., Matsumura, T. Cell transplantation. (2000) [Pubmed]
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