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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Metabolism of n-propylamine, isopropylamine, and 1,3-propane diamine by Mycobacterium convolutum.

Mycobacterium convolutum strain NPA-1 can utilize n-propylamine (NPA), isopropylamine (IPA), and 1,3-propane diamine (PD) as sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. Enzyme assays, fatty acid profiles, and 14CO2 incorporation experiments indicate that NPA is deaminated to propionate and further metabolized via the methylmalonyl succinate pathway, and IPA and PD were metabolized (after deamination) through a C2 + C1 cleavage. An inducible amine dehydrogenase was present in cell extracts after growth on the three amines. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cell extracts from NPA- and IPA-grown cells yielded one major band of amine dehydrogenase activity. When extracts of NPA-grown cells were assayed with NPA, IPA, or PD as substrate, the relative position of the major band on gel electrophoresis was equivalent. Similar results were obtained with extracts prepared from IPA-grown cells. Sephadex G-100 chromatography also indicated one major peak of activity. This suggests that one enzyme of broad specificity is involved in deamination of IPA, NPA, and PD. IPA-grown cells utilized NPA readily, whereas NPA-grown cells could not utilize IPA without lag. Since amine dehydrogenase activity was present in extracts of cells after growth on either substrate, this lag was probably due to the inability to transport IPA without an induction period. The molecular weight of the amine dehydrogenase was approximately 38,500 as determined by gel filtration.[1]


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