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Chemical Compound Review

CHEBI:30083     ethyne

Synonyms: AC1L3EJ1
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Disease relevance of acetylene

  • The PTEN C2 domain binds phospholipid membranes in vitro, and mutation of basic residues that could mediate this reduces PTEN's membrane affinity and its ability to suppress the growth of glioblastoma tumor cells [1].
  • Mean levels of the classical components C1, C4, and C2 in bacteremic patients in whom shock subsequently developed did not differ significantly (p greater than 0.05) from those of patients with uncomplicated bacteremia [2].
  • The structure explains, in part, mutations in the C2 region of factor VIII that lead to bleeding disorders in haemophilia A [3].
  • We have tested the ability of a recombinant adenovirus, containing a 6.3 kilobase pair Becker-like dystrophin complementary DNA driven by the Rous sarcoma virus promoter to direct the expression of a 'minidystrophin' in infected 293 cells and C2 myoblasts, and in the mdx mouse, after intramuscular injection [4].
  • Design, activity, and 2.8 A crystal structure of a C2 symmetric inhibitor complexed to HIV-1 protease [5].

Psychiatry related information on acetylene

  • Recent studies of the cellular basis of feeding behavior in the marine mollusc Aplysia have focused on a neuron, C2, that has a variety of complex properties that determine the behavioral functions of the neuron [6].
  • Here, we measure the response time of the C2 domains of synaptotagmin to determine whether synaptotagmin is fast enough to function as a Ca2+ sensor for rapid exocytosis [7].
  • We used reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting techniques to measure the levels of complement mRNAs and their protein products in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain compared with non-AD brain. mRNAs for C1q, C1r, C1s, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, and C9 were detected in the 11 regions of brain that were investigated [8].
  • An additional fragment longer than C1, designated C2, is present in substantial amounts in CJD brains [9].
  • Among the co-twins of 69 monozygotic probands there were found 46 with manic-depressive disorders, and a further 14 had presented other psychoses or marked affective personality disorders or had committed suicide, yielding a proband rate of strict concordance, C1 = 0-67 and of broad, partial concordance, C2 = 0-87 [10].

High impact information on acetylene

  • The structure also reveals that PTEN has a C2 domain [1].
  • Here, we report the X-ray crystal structure of human cPLA2 at 2.5 A. cPLA2 consists of an N-terminal calcium-dependent lipid-binding/C2 domain and a catalytic unit whose topology is distinct from that of other lipases [11].
  • The phosphatase and C2 domains associate across an extensive interface, suggesting that the C2 domain may serve to productively position the catalytic domain on the membrane [1].
  • Competitive interference of endogenous SET domain-dsPTPase interactions by forced expression of Sbf1 induced oncogenic transformation of NIH 3T3 fibroblasts and impaired the in vitro differentiation of C2 myoblast cells [12].
  • The frazzled gene encodes transmembrane proteins that contain four immunoglobulin C2 type domains, six fibronectin type III repeats, and a cytoplasmic domain of 278 amino acids [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of acetylene

  • Gene expression of ubiquitin C and proteasome subunits C2, C3, and C9 was not changed in the uremic animals, suggesting that other pathways are involved in this model of nonacidotic uremic cachexia [14].
  • Other complement components were normal during remission of lupus, but C1, C4, C2, and C3 levels fell during exacerbations [15].
  • Twelve of 19 patients with common variable immunodeficiency (63%, P less than 0.001) and 9 of 16 patients with IgA deficiency (56%, P less than 0.01) had rare C2 alleles and/or C4A and 21-hydroxylase A deletions, whereas these gene features were seen in only 5 of 34 healthy individuals (15%) in the control group [16].
  • We report an analysis of the structure of a Val 82 to Ala mutant of HIV-1 proteinase complexed to A-77003, a C2 symmetry-based inhibitor [17].
  • Compounds interfering with actin function, including phalloidin, the catalytic subunit of Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin, and N-ethylmaleimide-treated myosin S1 fragments were microinjected into the axon [18].

Biological context of acetylene


Anatomical context of acetylene


Associations of acetylene with other chemical compounds

  • However, mice deficient in C3, C1q, Bf/C2, combinations thereof or complement receptors were partially or fully protected against spongiform encephalopathy upon intraperitoneal exposure to limiting amounts of prions [28].
  • The C2 and factor B genes, less than 2 kb apart, are about 30 kb from two C4 genes separated from each other by about 10 kb [29].
  • We show that C2 muscle cells contain erbB2 and erbB3 messenger RNA but little or no erbB4 mRNA, and that neuregulin stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of erbB2 and erbB3, indicating that neuregulin signalling in skeletal muscle may be mediated by a complex of erbB2 and erbB3 [23].
  • These effects increased according to the elongation of the carbon chain of 1-alkanols from ethanol (C2) to 1-decanol (C10), but suddenly almost disappeared at 1-tetradecanol (C14) [30].
  • Synergism between gamma interferon and lipopolysaccharide for synthesis of factor B, but not C2, in human fibroblasts [31].

Gene context of acetylene

  • Over-expression of MLP in C2 myoblasts potentiates myogenic differentiation and reduces its sensitivity to TGF beta [21].
  • In contrast, exclusive expression of HNF-1 beta is associated with repression of a subset of hepatocyte-specific genes in the dedifferentiated hepatocyte cell line C2, differentiated F9 cells, in somatic hybrids between hepatocytes and fibroblasts, and in the lung [32].
  • MASP-3 downregulate the C4 and C2 cleaving activity of MASP-2 [33].
  • Here, we report that WNK1 selectively binds to and phosphorylates synaptotagmin 2 (Syt2) within its calcium binding C2 domains [34].
  • Detailed analysis of these haplotypes suggests that a susceptibility gene or genes for both immunodeficiencies are located within the class III region of the MHC, possibly between the C4B and C2 genes [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of acetylene

  • Three forms of C2 have been identified by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel and development of patterns in agarose gel containing antibody-sensitized sheep red cells and C2-deficient serum: C2 C (common), C2 A (acidic), and C2 B (basic) [36].
  • Molecular cloning of the cDNA encoding the NKp46 molecule revealed a novel member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily, characterized by two C2-type Ig-like domains in the extracellular portion [37].
  • We recently reported that transplantation of 4 x 10(7) cells of a C2 myoblast cell clone that stably secretes high level of functional human EPO, increased hematocrit from 44.6 +/- 3.0 to 71.2 +/- 7.9(%) in 2 wk, and the increase was sustained for at least 12 wk in nude mice [38].
  • The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify cDNA clones from C2 myotubes encoding the entire open reading frame and large segments of the 5' and 3' untranslated regions [39].
  • RF mixed with aggregated, reduced, and alkylated human IgG (Agg-R/A-IgG) in the fluid phase failed to significantly reduce the level of total hemolytic complement, CH50, or of individual complement components, C1, C2, C3, and C5 [40].


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