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A light microscopic and immunohistochemical evaluation of scars.

BACKGROUND: Scars are commonly encountered by dermatopathologists and usually do not present a diagnostic challenge. However, in some cases, the pathologist may need to consider a broad differential diagnosis including fibrohistiocytic tumors, smooth muscle tumors, myofibroblastic proliferations and desmoplastic malignant melanoma. Although specific histologic aspects of scars have been well studied, a complete histochemical profile of scars, especially at various stages of evolution, has not been described. METHODS: Twenty-five cases of scars including 8 normal scars, 5 hypertrophic scars and 12 keloids were studied. Sections were examined with Verhoeff van Giesson, colloidal iron, Giemsa, smooth muscle actin (SMA), CD34, Factor XIIIa and S-100. RESULTS: All scars were negative for CD34 expression. Factor XIIIa immunostaining identified only rare dermal dendrocytes. S-100 was absent in 23 of 25 cases and stained scattered cells (less than 10%) in the other 2 cases. SMA was positive in 14 of 25 cases with 6 of these showing staining of up to 50% of spindled cells. Elastic fibers were markedly reduced or absent in all cases, mucin showed moderate or marked staining in three-fourths of the cases and dermal mast cells showed a moderate increase in 5 cases. CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm prior reports that negative staining with CD34, Factor XIIIa and S-100 can help differentiate scars from dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, dermatofibroma and desmoplastic malignant melanoma, respectively. SMA staining is much more variable and requires careful interpretation.[1]


  1. A light microscopic and immunohistochemical evaluation of scars. Kamath, N.V., Ormsby, A., Bergfeld, W.F., House, N.S. J. Cutan. Pathol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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