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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effects of intraperitoneally administered lipoic acid, vitamin E, and linalool on the level of total lipid and fatty acids in guinea pig brain with oxidative stress induced by H2O2.

The aim of our study was to investigate the protective effects of intraperitoneally-administrated vitamin E, dlalpha lipoic acid, and linalool on the level of total lipid and fatty acid in guinea pig brains with oxidative stress that was induced by H2O2. The total brain lipid content in the H2O2 group decreased when compared to the H2O2 + vitamin E (p<0.05), H2O2+ linalool (p<0.05), ALA (p<0.05), control (p<0.01), linalool (p<0.01), and vitamin E (p<0.01) groups. While the proportion of total saturated fatty acid ( infinity SFA) in the H2O2 group significantly increased (p<0.005) when compared to the vitamin E group, it only slightly increased (p<0.01) when compared to the control and H2O2 + vitamin E groups. The ratio of the total unsaturated fatty acid (infinity USFA) in the H2O2 groups was lower (p<0.05) than the control, vitamin E, and H2O2+ vitamin E groups. The level of the total polyunsaturated fatty acid (infinity USFA) in the H2O2 group decreased in when compared to the control, vitamin E, and H2O2+vitamin E groups. While the proportion of the total w3 (omega 3), w6 (omega 6), and PUFA were found to be lowest in the H2O2 group, they were slightly increased (p<0.05) in the lipoic acid group when compared to the control and H2O2 + lipoic acid groups. However, the level of infinity SFA in the H2O2 group was highest; the level of infinity USFA in same group was lowest. As the proportion of infinity USFA and infinity PUFA were found to be highest in the linalool group, they were decreased in the H2O2 group when compared to the control group. Our results show that linalool has antioxidant properties, much the same as vitamin E and lipoic acid, to prevent lipid peroxidation. Additionally, vitamin E, lipoic acid, and linalool could lead to therapeutic approaches for limiting damage from oxidation reaction in unsaturated fatty acids, as well as for complementing existing therapy for the treatment of complications of oxidative damage.[1]


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