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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The two-component regulatory system ompR- envZ controls the virulence of Shigella flexneri.

In Shigella flexneri, the ompB locus (containing the ompR and envZ genes) was found to modulate expression of the vir genes, which are responsible for invasion of epithelial cells. vir gene expression was markedly enhanced under conditions of high osmolarity (300 mosM), similar to that encountered in tissues both extra- and intracellularly. Two ompB mutants were constructed and tested for virulence and for osmotic regulation of vir genes. An envZ::Tn10 mutant remained invasive, although its virulence was significantly decreased as a result of its inability to survive intracellularly. By using a vir::lac operon fusion, this mutation was shown to decrease beta-galactosidase expression both in low- and high-osmolarity conditions but did not affect vir expression in response to changes in osmolarity. A delta ompB deletion mutant was also constructed via allelic exchange with an in vitro-mutagenized ompB locus of Escherichia coli. This mutation severely impaired virulence and abolished expression of the vir::lac fusion in both low- and high-osmolarity conditions. Therefore, a two-component regulatory system modulates virulence according to environmental conditions. In addition, the mutation affecting a spontaneous avirulent variant of S. flexneri serotype 5, M90T, has been mapped at the ompB locus and was complemented by the cloned E. coli ompB locus. Introduction of the vir::lac fusion into this mutant did not result in the expression of beta-galactosidase (Lac-).[1]


  1. The two-component regulatory system ompR-envZ controls the virulence of Shigella flexneri. Bernardini, M.L., Fontaine, A., Sansonetti, P.J. J. Bacteriol. (1990) [Pubmed]
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