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Control of overt maternal diabetes during pregnancy in a county hospital.

Tight metabolic control of manifest diabetes during pregnancy was attempted in 51 clinic referrals to a county hospital. Starting before the 28th week of gestation, a good control of diabetes was achieved with the help of initial hospitalization, regular home blood glucose monitoring, and frequent clinic visits. Mean preprandial plasma glucose level was 96.4 +/- 22.6 mg/dL. A mean preprandial plasma glucose level of less than 110 mg/dL was achieved in 42 (82%) of the 51 patients. Total perinatal mortality was 7.7% (4/52). When we excluded major maternal morbidity unrelated to diabetes that accounted for fetal loss, the corrected perinatal loss was 3.8%. Significant maternal hypoglycemia was uncommon. Major congenital malformations in the fetus, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, and neonatal hypoglycemia each occurred in fewer than 5%. These results suggest that good metabolic control of diabetes is achievable in patients in a general hospital and it may lower fetal loss and morbidity associated with overt maternal diabetes.[1]


  1. Control of overt maternal diabetes during pregnancy in a county hospital. Budhraja, M., Danel, I. Arch. Intern. Med. (1986) [Pubmed]
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