MeSH Review:
Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring
- Evaluation of an intensified insulin treatment and teaching programme as routine management of type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes. The Bucharest-Düsseldorf Study. Mühlhauser, I., Bruckner, I., Berger, M., Cheţa, D., Jörgens, V., Ionescu-Tîrgovişte, C., Scholz, V., Mincu, I. Diabetologia (1987)
- Transmission of hepatitis B infection during home blood glucose monitoring. Farkas, K., Jermendy, G. Diabet. Med. (1997)
- Home blood glucose monitoring: effectiveness in a general population of patients who have non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Klein, C.E., Oboler, S.K., Prochazka, A., Oboler, S., Frank, M., Glugla, M., Winters, S. Journal of general internal medicine : official journal of the Society for Research and Education in Primary Care Internal Medicine. (1993)
- Telephone communications between diabetes clients and nurse educators. Leggett-Frazier, N., Swanson, M.S., Vincent, P.A., Pokorny, M.E., Engelke, M.K. The Diabetes educator. (1997)
- A fatal case of disseminated zygomycosis associated with the use of blood glucose self-monitoring equipment. Hampson, F.G., Ridgway, E.J., Feeley, K., Reilly, J.T. J. Infect. (2005)
- Home blood glucose monitoring--the key to good control. Blohmé, G. Acta Med. Scand. Suppl. (1983)
- Diabetes self-management among low-income Spanish-speaking patients: a pilot study. Rosal, M.C., Olendzki, B., Reed, G.W., Gumieniak, O., Scavron, J., Ockene, I. Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. (2005)
- Economic realities of home blood glucose monitoring. Fagin, J.A., Litwak, L., Gutman, R.A. Lancet (1983)
- Reversal of abnormalities in ocular fluorophotometry in insulin-dependent diabetes after five to nine months of improved metabolic control. White, N.H., Waltman, S.R., Krupin, T., Santiago, J.V. Diabetes (1982)
- Measurement of glucose consumption by hybridoma cells growing in hollow fiber cartridge bioreactors: use of blood glucose self-monitoring devices. Nayak, R.C., Herman, I.M. J. Immunol. Methods (1997)
- Estimation of blood-glucose variability in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Moberg, E., Kollind, M., Lins, P.E., Adamson, U. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. (1993)
- Comparisons of home blood glucose testing and glycated protein measurements. Lee, P.D., Sherman, L.D., O'Day, M.R., Rognerud, C.L., Ou, C.N. Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract. (1992)
- Management of obese patients with diabetes mellitus: comparison of advice education with group management. White, N., Carnahan, J., Nugent, C.A., Iwaoka, T., Dodson, M.A. Diabetes Care (1986)
- Feasibility and effects of a diabetes type II protocol with blood glucose self-monitoring in general practice. Rutten, G., van Eijk, J., de Nobel, E., Beek, M., van der Velden, H. Family practice. (1990)
- Epidemiology and determinants of blood glucose self-monitoring in clinical practice. Scorpiglione, N., el-Shazly, M., Abdel-Fattah, M., Belfiglio, M., Cavaliere, D., Carinci, F., Labbrozzi, D., Mari, E., Massi Benedetti, M., Tognoni, G., Nicolucci, A. Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract. (1996)
- Home blood glucose monitoring in the pregnant diabetic. Good-Anderson, B. JOGN nursing; journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing. (1983)
- Analysis of 44,279 blood glucose estimations in relation to outcomes in 80 pregnant diabetic women. Sturrock, N.D., Fay, T.N., Pound, N., Kirk, B.A., Danks, L.E. Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (2001)
- Home blood glucose monitoring, glycosylated hemoglobin and fructosamine: their relationships in diabetic patients with and without residual C-peptide secretion. Brichard, S.M., van den Abbeele, E., Ketelslegers, J.M., Lambert, A.E. Diabète & métabolisme. (1989)
- Home blood glucose monitoring. Impact on lifestyle and diabetes control. Bell, P.M., Walshe, K. The Practitioner. (1984)
- Management of diabetes mellitus. Omar, M.A., Christopher, L., Motala, A.A., Jialal, I., Seedat, M.A. S. Afr. Med. J. (1987)
- Patterns of care an Italian diabetic population. The Italian Study Group for the Implementation of the St Vincent Declaration, Società Italiana di Diabetologia, Associazione Medici Diabetologi. Nicolucci, A., Scorpiglione, N., Belfiglio, M., Carinci, F., Cavaliere, D., el-Shazly, M., Labbrozzi, D., Mari, E., Massi Benedetti, M., Tognoni, G. Diabet. Med. (1997)
- Management of gestational diabetes mellitus and pharmacists' role in patient education. Evans, E., Patry, R. American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. (2004)
- Self-monitoring of blood glucose as part of a multi-component therapy among non-insulin requiring type 2 diabetes patients: a meta-analysis (1966-2004). Sarol, J.N., Nicodemus, N.A., Tan, K.M., Grava, M.B. Current medical research and opinion. (2005)
- Accuracy of four methods of home blood glucose monitoring in hemodialysis patients. Vanden Bosch, M.A., Hyneck, M.L. Clinical pharmacy. (1984)