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Hospitals, County

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Disease relevance of Hospitals, County


Psychiatry related information on Hospitals, County

  • Forty-one predominantly low-income Latina women, receiving prenatal services at a public county hospital, completed measures of stress and mood (depressive symptoms, positive and negative affect) and provided morning and evening saliva samples to measure cortisol prior to and after receiving SR instructions [6].
  • Longitudinal data were collected on 202 HIV-infected women without AIDS who were receiving care at Kings County Hospital or SUNY Health Sciences Center, Brooklyn, New York. Internal consistency results showed acceptable reliability for the four multi-item MOS scales (role function, physical function, general health perceptions and mental health) [7].

High impact information on Hospitals, County

  • Acetaminophen toxicity in an urban county hospital [8].
  • From January 1986 through June 1988, we gave all infants born at Kings County Hospital Medical Center one of three prophylactic agents -- silver nitrate drops, erythromycin ophthalmic ointment, or tetracycline ophthalmic ointment [9].
  • In a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study, 80 healthy women undergoing tubal sterilisation under general anaesthesia at the County Hospital, Lincoln, UK, were allocated to be sterilised by Flishie clips covered with 2% lignocaine gel or K-Y gel as placebo [10].
  • METHODS: We collected clinical and demographic data and information on health status by using the Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire in two populations: (a) 397 patients with confirmed epilepsy attending a county hospital during a 7-year period, and (b) 1,663 patients from a random sample representative of the entire national population [11].
  • All patients evaluated for ARF between January 1984 and December 1993 by the Renal Division at Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, were reviewed [12].

Biological context of Hospitals, County


Associations of Hospitals, County with chemical compounds

  • Activities of an employer independent Occupational Medicine Clinic, Cook County Hospital, 1979-1981 [15].
  • To determine the appropriateness of use of omeprazole, all outpatient prescriptions over one year from a single county hospital pharmacy were analyzed [16].
  • METHODS: We analyzed data from 1,021 ED intramuscular ketamine sedations in children 15 years of age or younger at a university medical center and an affiliated county hospital over a 9-year period [17].
  • After adjusting for patient characteristics, utilization of three screening services at the county hospital remained significantly below the University-based clinics (Odds Ratios [95% CI]: mammogram 0.15 [0.06-0.35]; Pap smear 0.32 [0.21-0.50]; cholesterol 0.19 [0.09-0.38]; diabetes retinal exam10.68 [0.93-3.01]) [18].
  • The unexpected massive appearance of a certain tumorous cluster in personnel exposed to ethylene oxide in a Hungarian county hospital focused attention on the effects of this toxic gas [19].

Gene context of Hospitals, County

  • Over 80% of the cases were performed by the head and neck surgical service at Olive View County Hospital, Sylmar, Calif, with the remainder performed at UCLA-affiliated institutions [20].
  • MATERIAL AND METHOD: All pregnancies in women with IDDM during the 12-year period, 1982-93, received their antenatal care from a 'diabetic team' at the County Hospital, Ostersund [21].
  • The survival of 117 black and white patients treated by radiation for carcinoma of the prostate at SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn (SUNY/HSCB) and Kings County Hospital Center (KCHC) was analyzed according to Gleason's grading system [22].
  • From 1968-1985 a series of thirty-seven patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma was collected from the tumor registry of the Fairfax County Hospital, in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area [23].
  • Conversely, the University hospital of Szeged and the County hospital of Békéscsaba use all three procedures i.e. OC, LC and MLC; as is the case in the authors' hospital [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hospitals, County


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  4. Porphyria cutanea tarda and hepatitis C virus: a case-control study and meta-analysis of the literature. Chuang, T.Y., Brashear, R., Lewis, C. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. (1999) [Pubmed]
  5. Gunshot wounds seen at a county hospital before and after a riot and gang truce: Part Two. Ordog, G.J., Shoemaker, W., Wasserberger, J., Bishop, M. The Journal of trauma. (1995) [Pubmed]
  6. Impact of stress reduction instructions on stress and cortisol levels during pregnancy. Urizar, G.G., Milazzo, M., Le, H.N., Delucchi, K., Sotelo, R., Muñoz, R.F. Biological psychology. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  10. Local anaesthetic on Filshie clips for pain relief after tubal sterilisation: a randomised double-blind controlled trial. Ezeh, U.O., Shoulder, V.S., Martin, J.L., Breeson, A.J., Lamb, M.D., Vellacott, I.D. Lancet (1995) [Pubmed]
  11. Health status of people with epilepsy compared with a general reference population. Stavem, K., Loge, J.H., Kaasa, S. Epilepsia (2000) [Pubmed]
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  13. The high prevalence of depression and dementia in elder abuse or neglect. Dyer, C.B., Pavlik, V.N., Murphy, K.P., Hyman, D.J. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. (2000) [Pubmed]
  14. The glycaemic index of spaghetti and gastric emptying in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Thomsen, C., Rasmussen, O.W., Christiansen, C., Andreasen, F., Poulsen, P.L., Hermansen, K. European journal of clinical nutrition. (1994) [Pubmed]
  15. Activities of an employer independent Occupational Medicine Clinic, Cook County Hospital, 1979-1981. Orris, P., Kennedy, M.J., Guerriero, J., Hessl, S.M., Hryhorczuk, D.O., Hoffman, D. American journal of public health. (1982) [Pubmed]
  16. Omeprazole use at an urban county teaching hospital. Brandhagen, D.J., Pheley, A.M., Onstad, G.R., Freeman, M.L., Lurie, N. Journal of general internal medicine : official journal of the Society for Research and Education in Primary Care Internal Medicine. (1995) [Pubmed]
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  18. Relative impact of patient and clinic factors on adherence to primary care preventive service guidelines: an exploratory study. Ramsey, S.D., Cheadle, A.D., Neighbor, W.E., Gore, E., Temple, P., Staiger, T., Goldberg, H.I. Medical care. (2001) [Pubmed]
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  22. Radiation-treated carcinoma of prostate. Comparison of survival of black and white patients by Gleason's grading system. Aziz, H., Rotman, M., Thelmo, W., Chen, P., Choi, K.N., Khil, S.U., Laungani, G.B., Brandys, M., Ayr, G., Macchia, R.J. Am. J. Clin. Oncol. (1988) [Pubmed]
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  26. Adverse pregnancy outcome in women exposed to acyclovir during pregnancy: a population-based observational study. Ratanajamit, C., Vinther Skriver, M., Jepsen, P., Chongsuvivatwong, V., Olsen, J., Sørensen, H.T. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. (2003) [Pubmed]
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