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Effects of microwaves on the adrenal cortex.

Six-hundred-and-one male Long-Evans rats were used to study the effect of microwaves on adrenocortical secretion. Power density ranged from 0.1 to 55 mW/cm2 (SAR 0.02 to 11 W/kg). The microwave signal was 2.45 GHz amplitude modulated at 120 Hz. Serum corticosterone (CS) concentration was used as an index of adrenocortical function. Ten different exposure protocols were used to identify confounding factors influencing the sensitivity of adrenal cortex to microwave exposure. Increases in CS concentration were proportional to power density or colonic temperature and inversely proportional to the baseline CS. Increased CS concentration was never observed without increased colonic temperature and was not persistent 24 h after exposure. Acclimation (reduction in magnitude of response) could be noted after the tenth exposure. Facilitated heat loss attenuated the magnitude of CS increases by limiting the degree of hyperthermia. Ethanol enhanced the hyperthermic response and desensitized the adrenal response to microwave hyperthermia by increased baseline CS. Ether stimulated adrenal secretion irrespective of previous microwave exposure or adrenal stimulation induced by microwaves. Minor inhibition was also noted occasionally as decreased CS concentration at lower intensity (less than 20 mW/cm2) and decreased postexposure urinary CS excretion at 40 mW/cm2. Adrenal stimulation required minimally a 20 mW/cm2 (4 W/kg) or 0.7 degrees C increase in colonic temperature. An SAR lower than 4 W/kg may stimulate adrenal secretion by potentiating the hyperthermic effect if the ambient temperature is well above 24 degrees C.[1]


  1. Effects of microwaves on the adrenal cortex. Lu, S.T., Pettit, S., Lu, S.J., Michaelson, S.M. Radiat. Res. (1986) [Pubmed]
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