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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cytochrome P-450 mediated reductive dehalogenation of the perhalogenated aromatic compound hexachlorobenzene.

Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) elicits concentration-dependent and saturable type 1 binding spectra when added to oxidized (Fe3+) cytochrome P-450 (CYT P-450) in control, phenobarbital- (PB) induced, and beta-naphthoflavone- (BNF) induced male Sprague-Dawley rat liver microsomes. The spectral binding constants (Ks) for HCB in control and PB-induced microsomes are 180 microM and 83 microM, respectively, and correlate inversely with the specific content of CYT P-450 (0.9 and 2.1 nmol/mg) in the two microsomal preparations. BNF-induced microsomes show type 1 interaction only at low HCB concentration. Overall biotransformation of HCB, monitored by loss of [14C]HCB from the reaction medium, is dependent on NADPH and intact microsomes. Dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO), a potent hydroxyl radical scavenger and the solvent used for HCB dissolution, does not affect the biotransformation of HCB in aerobic reactions. Pentachlorobenzene (PCB) appears to be the initial and major isolatable CYT P-450 mediated dechlorination product of HCB with NADPH-fortified rat liver microsomes. Trace levels of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and an unidentified metabolite are also observed. PCB formation is enhanced under anaerobic conditions but is inhibited by metyrapone and carbon monoxide. PCB formation is also inhibited with aerobic reaction conditions, while PCP formation is observed. The data indicate that CYT P-450 in hepatic microsomes supports the reductive dechlorination of HCB to PCB.[1]


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