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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Transplacental induction of myeloschisis associated with hindbrain crowding and other malformations in the central nervous system in Long-Evans rats.

Nine groups of 66 pregnant rats, grouped by gestation days 11 to 19, were subjected to a single, intragastric administration of ethylenethiourea (ETU). Cesarean section was performed on gestation day 20. No dam died following the ETU treatment, although a mortality as high as 21.2% was noted among the fetuses in this group; the remaining live fetuses were found to suffer from a high incidence of myeloschisis associated with hindbrain crowding. Exencephaly and abnormally enlarged head with occipital bossing due to the herniation of the mesencephalic tectum, with and without dilation of the mesencephalic and 4th ventricles, were induced among the fetuses of the dams given ETU at gestation days 12 and 13. Various degrees of hydranencephaly and dysplastic hydrocephalus were found among the fetuses of dams treated by ETU from gestation days 14 to 18. From the histological features of these malformations of the central nervous system (CNS), a possible mechanism in the induction of myeloschisis with hindbrain crowding induced by ETU is discussed, and compared with the previously reported similar malformations induced by trypan blue.[1]


  1. Transplacental induction of myeloschisis associated with hindbrain crowding and other malformations in the central nervous system in Long-Evans rats. Sato, K., Nakagata, N., Hung, C.F., Wada, M., Shimoji, T., Ishii, S. Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. (1985) [Pubmed]
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