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Reconstitution of a protein into lipid vesicles using natural detergents.

A method is described for reconstitution of a protein into lipid vesicles using one of the natural detergents lysophosphatidylcholine or lysophosphatidic acid. The intestinal microvillus enzyme, aminopeptidase N (EC is incorporated into lipid vesicles prepared from a total lipid extract of the microvillus membrane. The method is based on fusion of aminopeptidase-lysophospholipid micelles with liposomes prepared by sonication. The incorporation of the protein into the lipid bilayer is analyzed by gel permeation chromatography and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The coincidence of the protein and lipid profiles is used to evaluate protein incorporation. The incorporation is visualized by electron microscopy with negative staining. The method has the advantage of using natural detergents, lysophospholipids, which are minor but natural constituents of biological membranes. The method could be of value as a tool in studies of mechanisms of insertion of newly synthesized proteins into biological membranes.[1]


  1. Reconstitution of a protein into lipid vesicles using natural detergents. Christiansen, K., Carlsen, J. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1983) [Pubmed]
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