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Disease relevance of Sonication


Psychiatry related information on Sonication


High impact information on Sonication


Chemical compound and disease context of Sonication

  • The enzyme was not readily solubilized from urea extracts of E. coli and required sonication for efficient release [13].
  • Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cell wall material of Klebsiella K43 prepared by sonication, high-speed centrifugation, and nonidet solubilization, demonstrated the presence of four major protein bands [14].
  • Using detergent, sonication, or the pore-forming Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin to breach the microsomal membrane permeability barrier, we found that after each of these pretreatments a remarkably close direct relationship existed between latency changes for bilirubin UDP-glucuronyltransferase and Man-6-phosphatase [15].
  • The cell-associated salmonella were rendered susceptible to gentamicin after sonication, providing confirmation of their previous intracellular location [16].
  • Submicroscopic goblet-shaped particles ( goblets ) were released from the cell envelope of the marine gliding bacterium Flexibacter polymorphus when treated with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 followed by sonication [17].

Biological context of Sonication


Anatomical context of Sonication

  • The technique involves: (a) the direct transfer of rhodopsin-lipid complexes from native membranes into ether or pentane, and (b) the sonication of the complex in apolar solvent with aqueous buffer followed by solvent evaporation under reduced pressure [23].
  • Fibroblasts (human or chicken) were incubated in normal saline made hypertonic with 0.45 M sucrose, then broken open by sonication and freeze-etched to generate replicas of their inner membrane surfaces [24].
  • Flagellar outer doublet microtubules were solubilized by use of sonication, and the tubulin was reassembled in vitro into single microtubules containing 14 and 15 protofilaments [25].
  • PAF activation of the acetyltransferase and PAF synthesis required intact neutrophils as they did not occur in cells broken by sonication [26].
  • The protein could be extracted in an active form by rupturing the cells with lysozyme and sonication or with a passage through a French pressure cell and incubating the inclusion bodies and membranous structures with detergent (Lubrol PX or deoxycholate) in the presence of Q or S Sepharose ion-exchange resin for several hours [27].

Associations of Sonication with chemical compounds

  • This conclusion was derived from release studies using low concentrations of Triton X-100 or controlled sonication [28].
  • The cuticle can be isolated largely intact and free of all cellular material by sonication and treatment with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) [29].
  • Fractions of covalently closed single circular molecules and of open circular and unit length linear molecules were obtained from associations of kDNA by sonication, sucrose sedimentation, and cesium chloride-ethidium bromide equilibrium gradient centrifugation [30].
  • The DNA:liposome ratio, and mild sonication, heating, and extrusion steps used for liposome preparation were crucial for improved systemic delivery [31].
  • The protein was extracted from its native membrane by sonication in the presence of urea and dissolved in the urea/water mixture in unfolded form [32].

Gene context of Sonication


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Sonication


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