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Fecal mutagens from subjects consuming a mixed-western diet.

Because of potential significance of fecal mutagens (presumptive carcinogens) in the pathogenesis of colon cancer, feces from 99 healthy subjects from the New York metropolitan area were studied. The diet histories indicate that all participants were consuming a mixed-western diet which is high in total fat and low in fiber. Fecal samples that were incubated under anaerobic conditions at 37 degrees C for 96 h or frozen without incubation, were extracted with hexane: peroxide-free diethyl ether (1:1), partially purified on a silica Sep-pak cartridge and assayed for mutagenicity using the Salmonella typhimurium/mammalian microsome system. Aliquots of fecal samples incubated anaerobically showed a higher frequency of mutagenic activity (per cent samples showing activity) in strains TA98 and TA100 with and without microsomal (S9) activation. In addition, the mutagens requiring S9 activation, were more frequently inactivated when the fecal samples were frozen immediately after defecation and transported to the laboratory. Compared with hexane: ether, extraction of fecal samples with acetone increased the mutagenic activity mostly with TA98 with S9 activation. The HPLC fractionation of hexane: ether extract with methanol: water gradient using reverse phase C-18 column and UV detector at 254 nm indicated that the mutagenic activity (TA98 with S9 activation) is concentrated in several peaks. This is the first demonstration of HPLC profile of fecal samples that are active in TA98 with S9 activation. HPLC profile of fecal extracts and mutagenic activity of these extracts in strains TA98 and TA100 suggest the presence of several types of mutagens in the feces of healthy subjects consuming a high-fat, low-fiber mixed-western diet.[1]


  1. Fecal mutagens from subjects consuming a mixed-western diet. Reddy, B.S., Sharma, C., Mathews, L., Engle, A. Mutat. Res. (1984) [Pubmed]
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