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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cleavage of trehalose-phosphate in Bacillus subtilis is catalysed by a phospho-alpha-(1-1)-glucosidase encoded by the treA gene.

A 2.5 kb DNA fragment contain a gene encoding a phospho-alpha-(1-1)-glucosidase (phosphotrehalase), designated treA, was isolated from a Bacillus subtilis chromosomal library by complementation of the tre-12 mutation. The major TreA activity was found in the cytoplasm. TreA exhibits high sequence similarity to thermostable oligo 1,6 beta-glucosidases of several species and the trehalose-6-phosphate hydrolase TreC of Escherichia coli. TreA activity is induced by trehalose and repressed by glucose, fructose or mannitol. Induction by trehalose and repression by glucose are concentration dependent. The highest activity of TreA occurs 90 min before the end of the exponential growth phase in crude cell extracts. The enzyme is able to cleave para-nitrophenyl-glucopyranoside and trehalose-6-phosphate but not trehalose. These results indicate that treA encodes a specific phospho-alpha-(1-1)-glucosidase which cleaves trehalose-6-phosphate in the cytoplasm after transport and phosphorylation of trehalose. The 5' flanking region of treA contains an open reading frame which was partially sequenced, whose product shows about 40% identity to sucrose Enzyme II of the phosphotransferase transport system from several organisms.[1]


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