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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Substance P modulates antigen-induced, IFN-gamma production in murine Schistosomiasis mansoni.

In murine Schistosomiasis mansoni, granuloma eosinophils make SP. We investigated whether SP affects lymphokine secretion in murine schistosomiasis. SP at > or = 10(-10) M, and other tachykinins at much higher concentrations, substantially increased IFN-gamma secretion from spleen or granuloma inflammatory cells primed in vitro by suboptimal stimulatory concentrations of egg Ag or mitogen. Cells receiving maximal antigenic or mitogenic stimulation were affected marginally. Also, tachykinins induced no IFN-gamma from resting cells receiving no Ag or mitogen stimulation. There are three distinct tachykinin receptors, called NK-1, NK-2 and NK-3. SP binds the NK-1 receptor with highest affinity. Specific NK-1 receptor antagonists blocked all tachykinin-induced, IFN-gamma secretion. An NK-2 receptor inhibitor had no effect. Thus, SP and other tachykinins were acting through an NK-1 receptor. Inflammatory cells from 4-day-old granulomas cultured in vitro secrete IFN-gamma. Yet, there was no measurable IFN-gamma when SP receptor antagonists were added to the cultures. Moreover, animals treated in vivo with the NK-1 receptor antagonist CP-96,345 produced smaller granulomas. This suggested that endogenous SP may be necessary for normal induction of granuloma IFN-gamma secretion and a normal granulomatous response. Granuloma macrophages make somatostatin (SOM) that can decrease IFN-gamma secretion. Yet, IFN-gamma secretion was unaffected when both SP and SOM were in the cell cultures. In conclusion, SP modulates Ag-driven IFN-gamma secretion through a NK-1 receptor. Also, SP and SOM may be components of a natural circuit within inflammation that regulates IFN-gamma production.[1]


  1. Substance P modulates antigen-induced, IFN-gamma production in murine Schistosomiasis mansoni. Blum, A.M., Metwali, A., Cook, G., Mathew, R.C., Elliott, D., Weinstock, J.V. J. Immunol. (1993) [Pubmed]
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