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Gene Review

Tac1  -  tachykinin 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 4930528L02Rik, NK-1, NK1, Nka, Nkna, ...
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Disease relevance of Tac1


Psychiatry related information on Tac1

  • METHODS: Using a communication box system, foot shock stress (FS) and psychological stress (PS) were administered to mice and the degranulation rate of dermal mast cells, the number of SP-positive nerve fibers and changes in SP content were determined [5].
  • We conclude that substance P has an important and specific role in mediating the motivational aspects of opiates and may represent a new pharmacological route for the control of drug abuse [6].
  • Substance P is generally considered an excitatory neurotransmitter related to gut motor activity, although an inhibitory influence of neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor activation on peristalsis has also been reported [7].
  • The influence of substance P on nociception depended on the individual mouse's sensitivity to pain (control response latency) [8].
  • However, in contrast to enkephalin immunoreactivity, immunolabeling for substance P was not significantly decreased at this time-point in the internal pallidum, a finding reminiscent of early grades of Huntington's disease [9].

High impact information on Tac1


Chemical compound and disease context of Tac1

  • Although it is well established that substance P (SP) interacts with the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R) to initiate neurogenic inflammation, the mechanisms that terminate inflammation are unknown [2].
  • Concentrations of immunoreactive SP, NKA, and CGRP were measured in extracts of the eczema ears (n = 26), whereas extracts of the opposite ears were used as controls [15].
  • Because METH augments striatal substance P (SP) levels, we hypothesized that this neuropeptide plays a role in methamphetamine-induced toxicity and neural damage in the striatum [16].
  • Neurokinin-1 receptors are involved in behavioral responses to high-intensity heat stimuli and capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia in mice [17].
  • Furthermore, pretreatment of mice with CP-96345 (2.5 mg/kg ip), an antagonist of the neurokinin-1 (NK(1)) receptor, protected mice against lung inflammation caused by H(2)S [18].

Biological context of Tac1


Anatomical context of Tac1


Associations of Tac1 with chemical compounds

  • The present study examines mice with a targeted deletion of the Tac1 gene, which encodes the neuropeptides substance P and neurokinin A, in animal models relevant to depressive illness and anxiety [23].
  • The excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate coexists with the peptide known as substance P in primary afferents that respond to painful stimulation [24].
  • Noradrenaline (NA), a key neurotransmitter of the endogenous pain inhibitory system, acutely inhibits nociceptive transmission (including that mediated by substance P), potentiates opioid analgesia, and underlies part of the antinociceptive effects of the widely prescribed tricyclic antidepressants [25].
  • This elevated plasma leak was attenuated by recombinant NEP or the NK1R antagonist SR140333, and is thus caused by diminished degradation of SP [2].
  • The highly specific SP receptor antagonist, CP-96,345, completely inhibited the effect of SP but not SOM on IgG2a release [19].

Physical interactions of Tac1


Enzymatic interactions of Tac1

  • D. melanogaster NEP2 also differs from human NEP in the manner in which the peptidase cleaves the tachykinin, GPSGFYGVR-amide [31].

Co-localisations of Tac1


Regulatory relationships of Tac1

  • Specific NK-1 receptor antagonists blocked all tachykinin-induced, IFN-gamma secretion [26].
  • The activity of neuromedin K was blocked by the substance P antagonist [D-Pro2D-Trp7.9]substance P at doses of antagonist which effectively blocked the activity of the other tachykinins [33].
  • Correspondingly, the addition of SP to these cells resulted in a rapid increase in intracellular Ca2+ levels that could be specifically blocked by an NK-2R antagonist [34].
  • It was discovered that SP regulates SOM synthesis [35].
  • PAR-2 agonists induce contraction of murine small intestine through neurokinin receptors [36].

Other interactions of Tac1

  • We conclude that when unopposed by NA, substance P acting at the NK1 receptor causes chronic thermal hyperalgesia, and that the reduced opioid efficacy associated with a lack of NA is due to increased NK1-receptor stimulation [25].
  • In contrast, toxin A administration in Crh(-/-) mice fails to result in an increased SP content [37].
  • At birth, transgenic DRG showed increased neuron numbers, and displayed a normal proportion of neurons expressing substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide and the NT3 receptor trkC [38].
  • Also, SP and SOM may be components of a natural circuit within inflammation that regulates IFN-gamma production [26].
  • There are three distinct tachykinin receptors, called NK-1, NK-2 and NK-3 [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tac1


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