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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Islet cell antigen 512 is a diabetes-specific islet autoantigen related to protein tyrosine phosphatases.

Islet cell Ag 512 (ICA512) is a recombinant human Ag that was isolated from an islet cDNA expression library by screening with human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus sera. Specificity of reaction with diabetic sera was demonstrated initially by immunoprecipitation with a small number of diabetic and normal serum samples. To permit quantitative and rapid serum testing, ICA512 was purified and adapted to an ELISA format. In this way, a sensitivity of 48% with newly diagnosed diabetic sera has been measured with a panel of 80 sera. DNA sequencing of ICA512-3, a cDNA that contains a 1644 bp open reading frame, suggests that it codes for a transmembrane protein having a single membrane-spanning segment and a cytoplasmic domain that is closely related to the first intracellular (catalytic) domain of the T cell protein tyrosine phosphatase, CD45. Northern blot analysis of poly(A)+ RNAs from several human tissues indicates that ICA512 mRNA is expressed in brain and pancreas.[1]


  1. Islet cell antigen 512 is a diabetes-specific islet autoantigen related to protein tyrosine phosphatases. Rabin, D.U., Pleasic, S.M., Shapiro, J.A., Yoo-Warren, H., Oles, J., Hicks, J.M., Goldstein, D.E., Rae, P.M. J. Immunol. (1994) [Pubmed]
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