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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Inhibitory effects of various drugs on dual asthmatic responses in wheat flour-sensitive subjects.

In order to investigate the mechanism of late asthmatic response ( LAR), inhibitory effects of various drugs for LAR were examined in two wheat flour-sensitive asthmatic subjects who showed immediate and late responses in the allergen provocation test and skin test. Antihistamines did not inhibit the LAR but totally or partially inhibited the immediate response. By contrast, corticosteroids inhibited the LAR but not the immediate response. Disodium cromoglycate inhibited both responses. Diethyl carbamazine citrate, an inhibitor of release of SRS-A, seemed to shorten the duration of the LAR, although it has no effect on the immediate response and/or on the severity of the LAR. Indomethacin and acetyl salicylate, which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, had no significant effects on either the immediate or the LAR.[1]


  1. Inhibitory effects of various drugs on dual asthmatic responses in wheat flour-sensitive subjects. Nakazawa, T., Toyoda, T., Furukawa, M., Taya, T., Kobayashi, S. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. (1976) [Pubmed]
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