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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Visualization of antigen-specific T cell activation and cytokine expression in vivo.

A transgenic TCR adoptive transfer system was used to visualize Ag-specific T cell activation and cytokine expression in vivo. After s.c. injection of peptide in adjuvant the entire Ag-specific population up-regulated IL-2 receptor alpha-chain expression, underwent blast transformation, and developed a memory-surface phenotype. A minority of the Ag-specific T cells produced predominantly IL-2 mRNA and localized at the T cell/B cell junction in draining lymph nodes. In the secondary response, a mixed cytokine pattern of both Th1 and Th2 cytokines was demonstrated. When peptide was administered i.v. without adjuvant, 50% of the Ag-specific cells expressed IL-2, but the peak of expression occurred before IL-2 receptor alpha-chain up-regulation, and only a minority of the Ag-specific T cells underwent blast transformation.[1]


  1. Visualization of antigen-specific T cell activation and cytokine expression in vivo. Rogers, W.O., Weaver, C.T., Kraus, L.A., Li, J., Li, L., Bucy, R.P. J. Immunol. (1997) [Pubmed]
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