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Gene Review

Il2ra  -  interleukin 2 receptor, alpha chain

Mus musculus

Synonyms: CD25, IL-2 receptor subunit alpha, IL-2-RA, IL-2R alpha chain, IL-2R subunit alpha, ...
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Disease relevance of Il2ra


High impact information on Il2ra

  • Unlike the IL-2R alpha chain, the IL-2R beta chain contains a large cytoplasmic domain that shows no obvious tyrosine kinase motif [6].
  • The mechanism of induction of CD25 before T cell receptor rearrangement and the importance of this mechanism for T cell development are unknown [7].
  • Functionally distinct NF-kappa B binding sites in the immunoglobulin kappa and IL-2 receptor alpha chain genes [8].
  • We show that expression of Foxp3 is highly restricted to the subset alphabeta of T cells and, irrespective of CD25 expression, correlates with suppressor activity [9].
  • In recombinase gene null pre-T cells, membrane and cytosolic active PKD both induced differentiation reminiscent of beta selection: downregulation of CD25 and upregulation of CD2 and CD5 [10].

Biological context of Il2ra

  • Spleen cells from mice bearing progressive growing methylcholanthrene-induced syngenic tumours were deeply hyporeactive in response to T-cell mitogens. This hyporeactivity was associated with decreased ability to synthesize mRNA for the inducible 55,000 MW interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R ) [14].
  • The stimulation with Con A of spleen cells from newborn mice, in contrast to cells from adult animals, does not result in synthesis of mRNA for inducible 55,000 molecular weight (MW) IL-2 receptors (IL-2R/CD25). The failure of neonatal spleen cells to synthesize IL-2R mRNA is an intrinsic property of the cells themselves, and it is not due to activity of natural suppressor cells present in newborn animals [15] .


Anatomical context of Il2ra


Associations of Il2ra with chemical compounds

  • We previously reported that IL-7 maintains the viability and differentiation potential of CD25 (IL-2R p55) positive CD3-CD4-CD8- thymic pre-T cells in vitro [20].
  • Tumor necrosis factor and its p55 and p75 receptors are not required for axonal lesion-induced microgliosis in mouse fascia dentata [21].
  • Furthermore, topical FK506 profoundly impaired oxazolone-induced up-regulation of CD25 expression on CD4+ LNC and dramatically decreased hapten-induced expansion of I-A+/B220+ and I-A+/CD69+ LNC subsets [22].
  • IL-2 initially binds a high mannose-type glycan and a specific peptide sequence of the IL-2 receptor alpha-subunit and sequentially forms a high affinity complex of IL-2.IL-2 receptor alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits [23].
  • IL-2Ralpha (CD25) expression on activated cells was significantly reduced by epicatechin and cocoa extract in a dose-dependent manner, achieving the highest inhibition of about 50 % when flavonoids were added 2 h before stimulation [24].

Physical interactions of Il2ra

  • Evidence suggests that STAT4 also facilitates binding of other factors to the CD25 promoter including c-Jun [25].

Regulatory relationships of Il2ra


Other interactions of Il2ra

  • Interleukin 2 signaling is believed to be critically involved in several aspects of CD25(+) CD4(+) regulatory T cell biology, such as intrathymic development, peripheral survival and suppressive function [30].
  • 1-2% of adult mouse thymocytes express the T cell receptor alpha/beta (TCR-alpha/beta) together with the interleukin (IL) 2R beta (p70), but not the alpha (p 55) chain [31].
  • In infected mice, two subpopulations of CD4(+) cells, separable by their expression of CD25, make IL-10 [18].
  • Pre-treated CD8 T cells from both age groups also displayed a significant increase in activation-induced CD69 and CD25 expression, and produced significantly higher amounts of interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma in comparison to their untreated counterparts [32].
  • High affinity IL-2R signalling in the context of CD25 and the microdomain environment is characterized by Jak3 activation [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Il2ra


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