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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

L-alpha-aminoadipate inhibits kynurenate synthesis in rat brain hippocampus and tissue culture.

Intracerebral administration of L-alpha-aminoadipic acid (L-AAA) at 500 mg/kg body weight to rats caused a complex behavioral change with sporadic wet-dog shakes. Animals developed severe limbic seizures between 1 and 6 h after L-AAA injection, characterized by generalized convulsions. Twenty days after L-AAA injection kynurenine aminotransferase (KAT) activity measured in hippocampal brain tissue slices prepared with a McIlwain chopper at 30 microns showed a significant 43% decrease. Subcutaneous injection of kynurenine at 500 mg/kg showed a 63% increase in KAT activity twenty days later. This increase was offset by a concomitant administration of 500 mg/kg L-AAA stereotaxically on day one. In astrocyte culture kynurenic acid synthesis is inhibited by L-AAA and L-pipecolic acid. The possible involvement of kynurenic acid in the modulation of neuronal degeneration is discussed.[1]


  1. L-alpha-aminoadipate inhibits kynurenate synthesis in rat brain hippocampus and tissue culture. Chang, Y.F., Cauley, R.K., Chang, J.D., Rao, V.V. Neurochem. Res. (1997) [Pubmed]
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