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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Identification of a novel isoform of mouse dentin matrix protein 1: spatial expression in mineralized tissues.

Dentin matrix protein 1 ( Dmp1) is an acidic phosphoprotein first identified by cDNA cloning from a rat tooth library. Northern blot hybridization of a variety of tissues detected Dmp1 mRNAs only in odontoblasts, suggesting that this protein was odontoblast specific. In situ hybridization studies showed expression of Dmp1 in odontoblasts with transient expression in secretory ameloblasts. The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize a mouse Dmp1 cDNA and determine its spatial expression pattern related to other mineralizing tissues. A mouse molar cDNA library was screened with a 32P-labeled Dmp1 polymerase chain reaction amplification product in order to isolate a full-length clone. DNA sequence analysis of the largest mouse Dmp1 cDNA (2802 base pairs [bp]) revealed an open reading frame of 1509 nucleotides encoding a 503 amino acid protein with a single polyadenylation signal. Comparison with rat and bovine Dmp1 sequence showed high homology and the identification of a 45 bp (15 amino acid) insert, representing an alternative spliced mRNA. This 45 bp segment was shown to represent a small exon by DNA analysis of a mouse genomic Dmp1 clone. In situ hybridization studies revealed a much broader Dmp1 tissue expression pattern than previously reported. Dmp1 transcripts were detected in the odontoblast and ameloblasts, osteoblasts, and cementoblasts. Our data indicate that Dmp1 is alternatively spliced, and the primary full-length transcript contains a 45 bp insert which is encoded by a small exon. Therefore, Dmp1 is not a tooth-specific protein but rather is expressed in a number of mineralizing tissues including enamel, bone, and cementum.[1]


  1. Identification of a novel isoform of mouse dentin matrix protein 1: spatial expression in mineralized tissues. MacDougall, M., Gu, T.T., Luan, X., Simmons, D., Chen, J. J. Bone Miner. Res. (1998) [Pubmed]
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