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Chemical Compound Review

Vitapex     calcium triiodomethane dihydroxide

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High impact information on calcium iodoform dihydroxide


Anatomical context of calcium iodoform dihydroxide

  • Teeth in the first group were obturated using a single master gutta percha cone and vitapex as root canal sealer and those of second group were obturated with laterally condensed gutta percha using dentalis KEZ as sealer [2].
  • The principal advantages of the Vitapex paste are that it resorbs from the apical tissues in one week to two months, is apparently harmless to permanent tooth germs, is radiopaque, does not set to a hard mass, and is easily inserted and removed [5].
  • These data suggest that Vitapex may be an excellent root canal filling material for differentiation of osteoblasts or cementoblasts from mesenchymal cells in the periodontal ligament [6].
  • The root canal filling material "Vitapex" (Neo Dental Chemical Products Co., Tokyo), made of calcium hydroxide and iodoform with the addition of silicone oil, was experimentally injected into the mandibular canals of dogs, and its effect on the alveolar nerve tissue was examined by light and electron microscopy [7].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of calcium iodoform dihydroxide

  • PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical and radiographic success of zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE), Calcicur, Sealapex and Vitapex in primary molar pulpectomies [8].


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  6. Ultrastructural study of initial calcification in the rat subcutaneous tissues elicited by a root canal filling material. Kawakami, T., Nakamura, C., Hasegawa, H., Akahane, S., Eda, S. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. (1987) [Pubmed]
  7. Effects of the penetration of a root canal filling material into the mandibular canal. 2. Changes in the alveolar nerve tissue. Kawakami, T., Nakamura, C., Eda, S. Endodontics & dental traumatology. (1991) [Pubmed]
  8. Evaluation of various root canal filling materials in primary molar pulpectomies: an in vivo study. Ozalp, N., Saroğlu, I., Sönmez, H. American journal of dentistry. (2005) [Pubmed]
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