Chemical Compound Review:
Vitapex calcium triiodomethane dihydroxide
- Biocompatibility of various formula root filling materials for primary teeth. Huang, T.H., Ding, S.J., Kao, C.T. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B Appl. Biomater. (2007)
- An evaluation of sealing ability of endodontic materials as root canal sealers. Rajput, J.S., Jain, R.L., Pathak, A. Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. (2004)
- Healing of root resorption: a case report. Bhat, S.S., Sharan, S.S., Madan, I. The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. (2003)
- The pulpectomy in primary teeth. Nedley, M.P. The Journal of the Michigan Dental Association. (2002)
- Evaluation of a calcium hydroxide/iodoform paste (Vitapex) in root canal therapy for primary teeth. Nurko, C., Garcia-Godoy, F. The Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. (1999)
- Ultrastructural study of initial calcification in the rat subcutaneous tissues elicited by a root canal filling material. Kawakami, T., Nakamura, C., Hasegawa, H., Akahane, S., Eda, S. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. (1987)
- Effects of the penetration of a root canal filling material into the mandibular canal. 2. Changes in the alveolar nerve tissue. Kawakami, T., Nakamura, C., Eda, S. Endodontics & dental traumatology. (1991)
- Evaluation of various root canal filling materials in primary molar pulpectomies: an in vivo study. Ozalp, N., Saroğlu, I., Sönmez, H. American journal of dentistry. (2005)