Gene Review:
Gjb5 - gap junction protein, beta 5
Mus musculus
Cnx31.1, Connexin-31.1, Cx31.1, Cxn-31.1, Gap junction beta-5 protein, ...
- Two gap junction genes, connexin 31.1 and 30.3, are closely linked on mouse chromosome 4 and preferentially expressed in skin. Hennemann, H., Dahl, E., White, J.B., Schwarz, H.J., Lalley, P.A., Chang, S., Nicholson, B.J., Willecke, K. J. Biol. Chem. (1992)
- Connexin31-deficient trophoblast stem cells: a model to analyze the role of gap junction communication in mouse placental development. Kibschull, M., Nassiry, M., Dunk, C., Gellhaus, A., Quinn, J.A., Rossant, J., Lye, S.J., Winterhager, E. Dev. Biol. (2004)
- Multiple members of the connexin gene family participate in preimplantation development of the mouse. Davies, T.C., Barr, K.J., Jones, D.H., Zhu, D., Kidder, G.M. Dev. Genet. (1996)
- Connexin expression in epidermal cell lines from SENCAR mouse skin tumors. Budunova, I.V., Carbajal, S., Viaje, A., Slaga, T.J. Mol. Carcinog. (1996)
- Effect of diverse tumor promoters on the expression of gap-junctional proteins connexin (Cx)26, Cx31.1, and Cx43 in SENCAR mouse epidermis. Budunova, I.V., Carbajal, S., Slaga, T.J. Mol. Carcinog. (1996)