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Gene Review

Itpa  -  inosine triphosphatase (nucleoside...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 2010016I08Rik, AU020102, ITPase, Inosine triphosphatase, Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase, ...
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High impact information on Itpa

  • ITP and dITP exist in all cells. dITP is potentially mutagenic, and the levels of these nucleotides are controlled by inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase (EC ) [1].
  • Chromosomal mapping of enzyme loci in the domestic cat: GSR to C2, ADA and ITPA to A3, and LDHA-ACP2 to D1 [2].
  • The processed Itpa gene-like sequence located on chromosome 2E1 has a complete open reading frame for exactly the same polypeptide as ITPA encoded by the type A transcript, with a polyadenylation signal [3].
  • Characterization of the structure and expression of mouse Itpa gene and its related sequences in the mouse genome [3].
  • However, no transcribed sequence derived from the Itpa gene-like sequence was detectable in any of the mouse tissues examined, thus naming the sequence as Itpa processed pseudogene alpha [3].

Biological context of Itpa


Anatomical context of Itpa

  • Itpa mRNA was detected in all tissues examined, and its expression is especially high in the testis, brain, and thymus [3].


  1. Cloning, expression, and characterization of a human inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase encoded by the itpa gene. Lin, S., McLennan, A.G., Ying, K., Wang, Z., Gu, S., Jin, H., Wu, C., Liu, W., Yuan, Y., Tang, R., Xie, Y., Mao, Y. J. Biol. Chem. (2001) [Pubmed]
  2. Chromosomal mapping of enzyme loci in the domestic cat: GSR to C2, ADA and ITPA to A3, and LDHA-ACP2 to D1. Berman, E.J., Nash, W.G., Seuánez, H.N., O'Brien, S.J. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. (1986) [Pubmed]
  3. Characterization of the structure and expression of mouse Itpa gene and its related sequences in the mouse genome. Behmanesh, M., Sakumi, K., Tsuchimoto, D., Torisu, K., Ohnishi-Honda, Y., Rancourt, D.E., Nakabeppu, Y. DNA Res. (2005) [Pubmed]
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