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Chemical Compound Review

ITP     [[[(2R,3S,4R,5R)-3,4- dihydroxy-5-(6-oxo-3H...

Synonyms: Inosine 5, CHEMBL1233686, CHEBI:16039, HMDB00189, bmse000255, ...
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Disease relevance of inosine triphosphate


Psychiatry related information on inosine triphosphate

  • The results concerning the association of HLA antigens with ITP, pernicious anaemia, hemangiomas and Alzheimer's disease are compared with those of other authors and the causes for differences are discussed [6].

High impact information on inosine triphosphate

  • Brush border contraction occurs with ATP or with a mixture of ITP and ATP gamma S. Therefore, phosphorylation regulates myosin association with the cytoskeleton, myosin is not bound at the actin-myosin binding site, and when phosphorylated, myosin forms filaments for movement [7].
  • Sera from 48% of patients with chronic ITP and 2 of 8 patients with acute ITP contain antibodies that bind to the 50-kD fragment in an ELISA [2].
  • Sequelae of treatment of ITP with anti-D (Rho) immunoglobulin [8].
  • Using ITP (a substrate for myosin II ATPase) and/or ATP gamma S (a substrate for myosin II heavy-chain kinase [MHCK]), we demonstrated that phosphorylation of myosin heavy chains occurred at the foci within the actin network, a result that suggests that MHCK was localized at the foci [9].
  • Because ITP will not serve as a substrate for MLCK, this finding suggests that Mg2+-activation of contraction does not require myosin phosphorylation [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of inosine triphosphate

  • PURPOSE: A phase II trial of ifosfamide, paclitaxel, and cisplatin (ITP) was conducted in previously untreated patients with advanced transitional-cell carcinoma (TCC) to assess its efficacy and toxicity [11].
  • Peak I and Peak II RNA endowed receptor activity in the oocyte that was pharmacologically indistinguishable: ADP and AMP were inactive whereas UTP and ITP exhibited activity that was similar in potency to that of ATP gamma S. Both Peak I and Peak II ATP gamma S-dependent activity was inhibited by pertussis toxin [12].
  • Vaccinia ligase catalyzed efficient strand joining on nicked DNAs in the presence of magnesium and ATP (Km = 95 microM). dATP, ITP, AMPPCP, 3'dATP, and ATP alpha S could not substitute for ATP; of these, 3'dATP and ATP alpha S were inhibitors of ligation [13].
  • Moreover, small doses of the initial prednisolone therapy for ITP might also be recommended to avoid thrombus formations in the atherosclerotic lesions [14].
  • CONCLUSIONS: ITP can be associated with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma and can respond well to steroid treatment [15].

Biological context of inosine triphosphate

  • Although ITP and GTP serve as myosin ATPase substrates, they do not cause BB contraction, myosin release, or phosphorylation [7].
  • Substituting ITP for GTP or using an S100 cell-free extract as a source of antiterminator permitted transcription of the bioBFCD gene cluster initiating at the promoter pB to be read through [16].
  • Upon addition and hydrolysis of ITP or ATP, a rapid phosphate-oxygen exchange is observed even with 0.15 mM Ca2+ present and a definite but smaller exchange at 8 mM Ca2+ [17].
  • At pH 6.0-7.0, an apparent negative cooperativity is observed when mutant F1 hydrolyzes GTP or ITP, whereas the wild-type enzyme shows Michaelian kinetics [18].
  • ITP is a competitive inhibitor against both IDP and P-enolpyruvate, suggesting overlapping binding sites for the two substrates on the enzyme [19].

Anatomical context of inosine triphosphate

  • Analysis by video enhanced differential interference-contrast microscopy and thin-section transmission electron microscopy reveals contractions in the terminal web region causing microvilli to be fanned apart in response to ATP and delta S-ATP but not in response to ADP, PPi, ITP, or GTP [20].
  • Whole epithelial sheets were glycerinated, which leaves the brush border and intercellular junctions intact, and then treated with ATP, PPi, ITP, ADP, GTP, or delta S-ATP [20].
  • Incomplete antigenic cross-reactivity between platelets and megakaryocytes: relevance to ITP [21].
  • Platelets from 24 patients with immune thrombocytopenia resistant to standard therapy (refractory ITP), 35 patients with nonimmune thrombocytopenia (non-ITP), and 32 normal donors were studied in regard to platelet surface-bound IgG (PBIgG) and the ability of these platelets to be bound by human monocytes in vitro (monocyte-platelet rosette assay) [22].
  • Substrate regulation of calcium binding in Ca2+-ATPase molecules of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. II. Effect of CTP, GTP, ITP, and UTP [23].

Associations of inosine triphosphate with other chemical compounds

  • IDP inhibited ITP hydrolysis and caused positive cooperativity [24].
  • The hydrolyzable nucleotides GTP, ITP, and ATP are excellent promoters of the hydrolysis of previously bound TNP-[gamma-32P]ATP whereas addition of nonhydrolyzable nucleotides such as TNP-ADP, ADP, and adenylyl imidodiphosphate result in a lower rate and extent of hydrolysis [25].
  • In the present work, we found slow 5-oxoproline-dependent changes in the rates of hydrolysis of ITP, GTP, and UTP [26].
  • Without added Mg2+, Ca2+ stimulated the hydrolysis of several other nucleotides: ATP congruent to GTP congruent to CTP congruent to ITP greater than UTP, but Ca2+-stimulated ATPase was not coupled to uptake of Ca2+, even in the presence of 5 mM oxalate [27].
  • Phosphorylation of the ATPase was observed for ITP and 2'-deoxy-ATP, but not for 3'-deoxy-ATP [28].

Gene context of inosine triphosphate

  • Intracellular concentrations of the nucleotide inosine triphosphate (ITP) are regulated by ITP-ase (EC, which is encoded by ITPA on chromosome 20p [29].
  • We found increases in MCP-1 and RANTES levels in ITP patients compared with those in healthy individuals [30].
  • The pathogenesis of ITP may in some patients include alterations of the CD40/CD40L pathway [30].
  • The following loci could not be localized with full confidence: LDHA, NP, PEPD, ITP, and PGK [31].
  • The EF-3 effect is manifest in the presence of ATP, GTP, or ITP [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of inosine triphosphate

  • Combination chemotherapy for ITP [33].
  • Seventeen of 24 (71%) of the ITP patients had platelets which demonstrated increased monocyte-platelet rosette formation [rosette index (RI) greater than 2], whereas only four (11%) of the non-ITP patients had such platelets [22].
  • Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analysis additionally shows that this enzyme has broad substrate specificity toward other nucleotides, UTP, UDP, ITP, and IDP [34].
  • In general, these techniques belong either to the family of displacement methods, e.g., ITP, or to the gradient methods, e.g., gradient-elution HPLC [35].
  • Under experimental conditions in which the self-association of the purine-nucleoside 5'-triphosphates (PuNTPs) GTP and ITP is negligible, potentiometric pH titrations were carried out to determine the stabilities of the M(H;PuNTP) and M(PuNTP)2-complexes where M2+ = Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ [36].


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