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Gene Review

Mcm2  -  minichromosome maintenance deficient 2...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AA959861, AW476101, BM28, Bm28, CDCL1, ...
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Disease relevance of Mcm2

  • The aim of this study was to assess the proliferative activity of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in tissue microarray (TMA) using one of the minichromosome maintenance proteins (Mcm2) and to explore its potential value to predict prognosis [1].
  • The use of reverse transcription-PCR for the detection of expression in human melanoma in vitro was performed to study the potential role of clone 10d/BM28 in this disease [2].

High impact information on Mcm2

  • These results suggest that clone 10d/BM28 functions as an important tumor cell growth promoter [2].
  • The expression of BM28 is not regulated by RA in human, RA-resistant melanoma cells [2].
  • Immunohistological analysis demonstrates a direct concordance between expression of EGFP and Mcm2, consistent with a transcriptional level downregulation of Mcm2 expression in postmitotic cells [3].
  • Previous studies have demonstrated expression of the minichromosome maintenance protein Mcm2 in cells that remain competent to divide, including stem/progenitor cells of the subventricular zone (SVZ) within the brain [3].
  • In this report we show that the G1 phase-specific expression of the replication factor Mcm2 is a useful marker for detecting slowly cycling putative NSCs in situ and confirm the identity of these cells using both cytosine beta-D-arabinofuranoside (Ara-C) treatment and a double nucleoside analog-labeling technique [4].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mcm2


  1. Expression of minichromosome maintenance protein 2 as a marker for proliferation and prognosis in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a tissue microarray and clinico-pathological analysis. Obermann, E.C., Went, P., Zimpfer, A., Tzankov, A., Wild, P.J., Stoehr, R., Pileri, S.A., Dirnhofer, S. BMC Cancer (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. Clone 10d/BM28 (CDCL1), an early S-phase protein, is an important growth regulator of melanoma. Spanjaard, R.A., Lee, P.J., Sarkar, S., Goedegebuure, P.S., Eberlein, T.J. Cancer Res. (1997) [Pubmed]
  3. Stem/Progenitor cell-specific enhanced green fluorescent protein expression driven by the endogenous mcm2 promoter. Maslov, A.Y., Bailey, K.J., Mielnicki, L.M., Freeland, A.L., Sun, X., Burhans, W.C., Pruitt, S.C. Stem Cells (2007) [Pubmed]
  4. Neural stem cell detection, characterization, and age-related changes in the subventricular zone of mice. Maslov, A.Y., Barone, T.A., Plunkett, R.J., Pruitt, S.C. J. Neurosci. (2004) [Pubmed]
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