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Gene Review

Sstr3  -  somatostatin receptor 3

Mus musculus

Synonyms: SS-3-R, SS3-R, SS3R, SSR-28, Smstr-3, ...
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High impact information on Sstr3

  • VEGF and tumor vascularization were identified as novel targets for sst2-mediated antitumoral bystander effect. sst3 somatostatin receptor was upregulated in sst2-transfected tumors [1].
  • The significant QTLs were identified on chromosomes 12 and 15 map to regions in proximity to genes for the somatostatin 1 (Smstr1 -23 cM) and 3 (Smstr3 -46.3 cM) receptors, respectively [2].
  • On neuronal and glial membranes, SRIF-14 and octreotide, an sst2/sst3/sst5-selective analogue, completely displaced SRIF-1 binding, whereas des-AA(1,2,5)[D-Trp8,IAmp9]SRIF (CH-275), an sst1-selective analogue, was ineffective [3].
  • Two genes, Smstr3 and Adsl, not previously mapped in the mouse genome, were located on mouse Chromosome 15 [4].
  • A physical contig of YACs, BACs, and P1s stretching 1.1 Mb from D15Mit30 to the somatostatin receptor 3 gene is reported, and the DNA interval including the stargazer locus has been narrowed to 150 kb [5].

Biological context of Sstr3


Other interactions of Sstr3

  • The profile of [125I]Tyr3-octreotide labelled sites in rat cortex correlates better with recombinant sst2 than sst3 or sst5 binding profiles [7].


  1. Characterization of the bystander effect of somatostatin receptor sst2 after in vivo gene transfer into human pancreatic cancer cells. Carrere, N., Vernejoul, F., Souque, A., Asnacios, A., Vaysse, N., Pradayrol, L., Susini, C., Buscail, L., Cordelier, P. Hum. Gene Ther. (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. Sensitivity of AXB/BXA recombinant inbred lines of mice to the locomotor activating effects of cocaine: a quantitative trait loci analysis. Boyle, A.E., Gill, K. Pharmacogenetics (2001) [Pubmed]
  3. Distinct patterns of expression and physiological effects of sst1 and sst2 receptor subtypes in mouse hypothalamic neurons and astrocytes in culture. Viollet, C., Lanneau, C., Faivre-Bauman, A., Zhang, J., Djordjijevic, D., Loudes, C., Gardette, R., Kordon, C., Epelbaum, J. J. Neurochem. (1997) [Pubmed]
  4. Human homology and candidate genes for the Dominant megacolon locus, a mouse model of Hirschsprung disease. Pingault, V., Puliti, A., Préhu, M.O., Samadi, A., Bondurand, N., Goossens, M. Genomics (1997) [Pubmed]
  5. Genetic and physical maps of the stargazer locus on mouse chromosome 15. Letts, V.A., Valenzuela, A., Kirley, J.P., Sweet, H.O., Davisson, M.T., Frankel, W.N. Genomics (1997) [Pubmed]
  6. STT3, a novel essential gene related to the PKC1/STT1 protein kinase pathway, is involved in protein glycosylation in yeast. Yoshida, S., Ohya, Y., Nakano, A., Anraku, Y. Gene (1995) [Pubmed]
  7. Distribution and characterisation of somatostatin receptor mRNA and binding sites in the brain and periphery. Fehlmann, D., Langenegger, D., Schuepbach, E., Siehler, S., Feuerbach, D., Hoyer, D. J. Physiol. Paris (2000) [Pubmed]
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