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Gene Review

PAX3  -  paired box 3

Gallus gallus

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High impact information on PAX3

  • A novel genetic hierarchy functions during hypaxial myogenesis: Pax3 directly activates Myf5 in muscle progenitor cells in the limb [1].
  • Null mutations in Pax3, a key regulator of skeletal muscle formation, lead to cell death in this domain [1].
  • We conclude that Pax3 directly regulates Myf5 in the hypaxial somite and its derivatives [1].
  • Multimers of the 145-bp sequence direct transgene expression to sites of Pax3 function, and an assay of its activity in the chick embryo shows Pax3 dependence [1].
  • After activation of this pathway, myoblasts still express Myf5 and Pax3 but have downregulated MyoD, resulting in inhibition of terminal muscle differentiation [2].

Anatomical context of PAX3

  • By contrast, ectopic somitic cells located distal to the neural tube and in the branchial arches did not express Pax3 [3].


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