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Muscle Development

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Disease relevance of Muscle Development


Psychiatry related information on Muscle Development

  • This mechanism of active transcriptional repression distinguishes ZEB from other negative regulators of myogenesis (Id, Twist and I-mfa) that inhibit muscle differentiation by simply binding and inactivating myogenic factors [6].
  • These data have established that IGFBP-3 has the potential to affect proliferation of PEMCs during critical periods of muscle development that may impact ultimate muscle mass achievable postnatally [7].

High impact information on Muscle Development

  • In a genetic screen for regulators of muscle development in Drosophila, we discovered a gene encoding a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, called loner, which is required for myoblast fusion [8].
  • 5. HOP does not bind DNA and acts as an antagonist of serum response factor (SRF), which regulates the opposing processes of proliferation and myogenesis [9].
  • MyoD is a muscle-specific regulator able to induce myogenesis in numerous cell types [10].
  • The role of these genes in the patterning of limb muscles is unknown, although mutation of Pax3 or Met causes disruption of limb muscle development at an initial step, disturbing the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of the somitic epithelium [11].
  • Loss of WT1 function leads to ectopic myogenesis in Wilms' tumour [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Muscle Development


Biological context of Muscle Development


Anatomical context of Muscle Development


Associations of Muscle Development with chemical compounds


Gene context of Muscle Development


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Muscle Development


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