Gene Review:
egr2 - early growth response 2 (Krox-20 homolog)
Xenopus laevis
Krox-20, XKr20, XKrox-20, egr2-A, krox20
- Planar induction of anteroposterior pattern in the developing central nervous system of Xenopus laevis. Doniach, T., Phillips, C.R., Gerhart, J.C. Science (1992)
- Inhibition of retinoic acid receptor-mediated signalling alters positional identity in the developing hindbrain. van der Wees, J., Schilthuis, J.G., Koster, C.H., Diesveld-Schipper, H., Folkers, G.E., van der Saag, P.T., Dawson, M.I., Shudo, K., van der Burg, B., Durston, A.J. Development (1998)
- Fibroblast growth factor is a direct neural inducer, which combined with noggin generates anterior-posterior neural pattern. Lamb, T.M., Harland, R.M. Development (1995)
- Signaling specificities of fibroblast growth factor receptors in early Xenopus embryo. Umbhauer, M., Penzo-Méndez, A., Clavilier, L., Boucaut, J., Riou, J. J. Cell. Sci. (2000)
- Functional role of a novel ternary complex comprising SRF and CREB in expression of Krox-20 in early embryos of Xenopus laevis. Watanabe, T., Hongo, I., Kidokoro, Y., Okamoto, H. Dev. Biol. (2005)
- The structure and expression of the Xenopus Krox-20 gene: conserved and divergent patterns of expression in rhombomeres and neural crest. Bradley, L.C., Snape, A., Bhatt, S., Wilkinson, D.G. Mech. Dev. (1993)
- A role for xGCNF in midbrain-hindbrain patterning in Xenopus laevis. Song, K., Takemaru, K.I., Moon, R.T. Dev. Biol. (1999)
- Ventral ectoderm of Xenopus forms neural tissue, including hindbrain, in response to activin. Bolce, M.E., Hemmati-Brivanlou, A., Kushner, P.D., Harland, R.M. Development (1992)