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Gene Review

Ilk  -  Integrin linked kinase

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG10504, CT29478, DmILK, Dmel\CG10504, ILK, ...
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High impact information on Ilk

  • We demonstrate that Drosophila PINCH and ILK are complexed in vivo and are coincident at the integrin-rich muscle-attachment sites in embryonic muscle [1].
  • Genetic studies in Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans, and mice point to an essential role of ILK as an adaptor protein in mediating integrin-dependent cell attachment and cytoskeletal organization [2].
  • Here we demonstrate, using several different approaches, that inhibiting ILK kinase activity, or expression, results in the inhibition of cell attachment, cell migration, F-actin organization, and the specific cytoskeletal localization of CH-ILKBP and paxillin in human cells [2].
  • These data demonstrate that the kinase and adaptor properties of ILK function together, in a Pi3 kinase-dependent manner, to regulate integrin-mediated cell attachment and signal transduction [2].
  • The localization of tensin requires integrins, talin, and integrin-linked kinase [3].

Other interactions of Ilk


  1. Analysis of PINCH function in Drosophila demonstrates its requirement in integrin-dependent cellular processes. Clark, K.A., McGrail, M., Beckerle, M.C. Development (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. Integration of cell attachment, cytoskeletal localization, and signaling by integrin-linked kinase (ILK), CH-ILKBP, and the tumor suppressor PTEN. Attwell, S., Mills, J., Troussard, A., Wu, C., Dedhar, S. Mol. Biol. Cell (2003) [Pubmed]
  3. Tensin stabilizes integrin adhesive contacts in Drosophila. Torgler, C.N., Narasimha, M., Knox, A.L., Zervas, C.G., Vernon, M.C., Brown, N.H. Dev. Cell (2004) [Pubmed]
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