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Gene Review

ACT7  -  actin 7

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: ACT2, AtACT7, MYH9.2, MYH9_2, actin 2
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High impact information on ACT7

  • Immunolabeling of callus tissue with actin subclass-specific antibodies revealed that the predominant ACT7 is coexpressed with the other actin proteins [1].
  • One plant actin isovariant, ACT7, is induced by auxin and required for normal callus formation [1].
  • We suggest that the coexpression, and probably the copolymerization, of the abundant ACT7 with the other actin isovariants in cultured cells may facilitate isovariant dynamics well suited for cellular responses to external stimuli such as hormones [1].
  • The ACT7 promoter sequence contains a remarkable number of motifs with sequence similarity to putative phytohormone response elements [2].
  • A translational fusion with the 5' end of ACT 7 (1.9 kb) joined to the beta-glucuronidase reporter gene was strongly and preferentially expressed in all young, developing vegetative tissues of transgenic Arabidopsis plants [2].

Biological context of ACT7

  • These data suggest that the homozygous act2-1/act2-1 mutant adult plants have a reduced fitness in the 2N sporophytic portion of the life cycle, consistent with the vegetative expression of ACT2 [3].

Other interactions of ACT7

  • Transgenic overexpression of the ACT7 vegetative isovariant and ectopic expression of the ACT1 reproductive actin isovariant also rescued the root hair elongation defects of the act2-1 mutant [4].


  1. One plant actin isovariant, ACT7, is induced by auxin and required for normal callus formation. Kandasamy, M.K., Gilliland, L.U., McKinney, E.C., Meagher, R.B. Plant Cell (2001) [Pubmed]
  2. The arabidopsis ACT7 actin gene is expressed in rapidly developing tissues and responds to several external stimuli. McDowell, J.M., An, Y.Q., Huang, S., McKinney, E.C., Meagher, R.B. Plant Physiol. (1996) [Pubmed]
  3. Detection of deleterious genotypes in multigenerational studies. I. Disruptions in individual Arabidopsis actin genes. Gilliland, L.U., McKinney, E.C., Asmussen, M.A., Meagher, R.B. Genetics (1998) [Pubmed]
  4. Both vegetative and reproductive actin isovariants complement the stunted root hair phenotype of the Arabidopsis act2-1 mutation. Gilliland, L.U., Kandasamy, M.K., Pawloski, L.C., Meagher, R.B. Plant Physiol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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