Gene Review:
ACT7 - actin 7
Arabidopsis thaliana
ACT2, AtACT7, MYH9.2, MYH9_2, actin 2
- One plant actin isovariant, ACT7, is induced by auxin and required for normal callus formation. Kandasamy, M.K., Gilliland, L.U., McKinney, E.C., Meagher, R.B. Plant Cell (2001)
- The arabidopsis ACT7 actin gene is expressed in rapidly developing tissues and responds to several external stimuli. McDowell, J.M., An, Y.Q., Huang, S., McKinney, E.C., Meagher, R.B. Plant Physiol. (1996)
- Detection of deleterious genotypes in multigenerational studies. I. Disruptions in individual Arabidopsis actin genes. Gilliland, L.U., McKinney, E.C., Asmussen, M.A., Meagher, R.B. Genetics (1998)
- Both vegetative and reproductive actin isovariants complement the stunted root hair phenotype of the Arabidopsis act2-1 mutation. Gilliland, L.U., Kandasamy, M.K., Pawloski, L.C., Meagher, R.B. Plant Physiol. (2002)