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Gene Review

Actc1  -  actin, alpha, cardiac muscle 1

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Actc, Actin, alpha cardiac muscle 1, Alpha-cardiac actin
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Disease relevance of Actc1


High impact information on Actc1

  • The "fetal" beta-myosin heavy chain (MHC) was up-regulated about four-fold, whereas the "adult" alpha MHC was inhibited greater than 50-60%; expression of alpha-skeletal actin increased approximately two-fold, with little or no change in alpha-cardiac actin [2].
  • Expression of the mouse alpha-cardiac actin gene in skeletal and cardiac muscle is regulated by enhancers lying 5' to the proximal promoter [3].
  • The cell clones do not spontaneously contract, yet they express several cardiac-specific (cardiac troponin-C, alpha-cardiac actin) and associated genes (Connexin 43, Early growth response gene-1) with stable expression of several genes determined through the 28th passage [4].
  • We found that regenerating muscle shows that embryonic pattern of alpha-actin mRNAs in the early stage and concluded that the recovery of alpha-skeletal actin mRNA expression to the adult pattern is influenced by innervation, while alpha-cardiac actin mRNA expression is nerve independent [5].
  • While the alpha-cardiac actin showed a marked preference for sarcomeres, the alpha-smooth muscle isoproteins had an intermediate specificity and could either be preferentially incorporated into stress fiber-like filaments (SFLF) and in some cells to a lesser extent into myofibrils as well [6].

Biological context of Actc1

  • METHODS: We thus investigated the gene expression of the transcription factors GATA-4, Nkx2.5, MEF-2c, and Oct-1 and of the downstream target genes atrial and brain natriuretic peptide, alpha- and beta-myosin heavy chain, alpha-cardiac actin, and alpha-skeletal actin [7].
  • To address this question, we have looked at the alpha- and beta-MHC, and at the alpha-skeletal and alpha-cardiac actin (alpha-skel act and alpha-card act) isomRNA transitions during development and senescence, both in rat and human hearts [8].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Actc1

  • Electrical stimulation of cardiocyte contraction did not enhance alpha-cardiac actin or myosin heavy chain (alpha+beta) mRNA transcript levels relative to 28S rRNA during the period of rapid growth that occurred over the first 48 hours [9].


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  7. Reprogramming of gene expression in cultured cardiomyocytes and in explanted hearts by the myosin ATPase inhibitor butanedione monoxime. Thum, T., Borlak, J. Transplantation (2001) [Pubmed]
  8. Regulation of myosin heavy chain and actin isogenes during cardiac growth and hypertrophy. Schwartz, K., Carrier, L., Chassagne, C., Wisnewsky, C., Boheler, K.R. Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. (1992) [Pubmed]
  9. Electrical stimulation of contractile activity accelerates growth of cultured neonatal cardiocytes. Johnson, T.B., Kent, R.L., Bubolz, B.A., McDermott, P.J. Circ. Res. (1994) [Pubmed]
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